In case of U.S. application based on L3035 the
external components can be calculated suppo-
- Rfeed = 400Ω
- Zs = 900Ω + 2.12µF
- Zl = 1650Ω// (100Ω + 5nF) Loaded Line
- Zl = 800Ω// (100Ω + 50nF) Not Loaded Line
- Rp = 62Ω
Typ. Value
CVB Battery Filter
330nF 20% 63VI
CVDD Positive Supply Filter
100nF 20%
CVSS Negative Supply Filter
100nF 20%
RREF Internal Current Reference
23.7K 1%
CSVR Battery Ripple Rejection
CSVR = 1/(6.28 * fp * 150K)
@ fp = 1.6Hz
20% 60VI
Ring Trip & Ground-key Capacitor
DC Feeding Resistance
CRT = (25/fRING) ⋅ 390nF
RDC = 10 * (Rfeed - 2Rp)
390nF 20% 6VI
2.76K 1%
CAC AC/DC Splitter
CAC = 1 / (6.28 * fsp * RDC)
@ fsp = 10Hz
20% 15VI
RS Protection Resistor Image
RS = 50 * 2RP
6.2K 1%
ZAC 2 Wire AC Impedance
ZAC = 50 * (Zs-2Rp) (7)
39K + (180K//55nF)
ZA (1) SLIC Impedance Balancing Network ZA = 50 * (Zs-2Rp)
39K + (180K//55nF)
RA (1) SLIC Impedance Balancing Network RA = 50 * 2Rp
6.2K 1%
ZB (1) Line Impedance Balancing Network ZB = 50 * Zl
82.5K + (5K + 100pF) (3)
40K + (5K + 1nF) (4)
CCOMP AC Feedback Compensation
CCOMP = 1 / [2Πfo (100 Rp)]
@ fo = 250KHz
2 0%
CH (1) Trans-hybrid Loss Freq. Comp.
100pF 20%
RF Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj.
RT Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj.
≥ 200Ω (9)
≥ 200Ω (9)
200Ω 2W
200Ω 2W
RRG Ring Input Resistor
CRG Ring Input Capacitor
PTC (2)
RST (2)
RSR (2)
Positive Temp. Coeff. Resistor
Tip Buffer Sensing Resistor
Ring Buffer Sensing Resistor
External Transistor (5)
RRG = (VRING/25µA)cos[-2⋅fRING ⋅ T ⋅
180] (6)
CRG = 25µA/(VRING ⋅ sin[2 ⋅ fRING⋅T ⋅
180] ⋅ 2ΠfRING (6)
< 15Ω
10 to 50KΩ
10 to 50KΩ
4MΩ 5%
3.9nF 20% 100V
33K 1W 5%(8)
33K 1W 5%(8)
Rp Protection Resistor
D1 Relay Kickback Clamp Diode
30 to 80Ω (10)
(1) These components can be removed and ZB pin shorted to GND when 2/4wire conversion is implemented with 2nd generation COMBO (EG.
(2) In case there is no necessity to recover the unbalance introduced by PTC tolerance pins TIP and STIP can be shorted togheter as pins
RING and SRING. In this case also the RP Resistor should be splitted in two parts keeping at least 20Ω between TIP/RING terminals and
protection connection. In this case PTC or fuse resistor (if used) can be placed in series to Rp.
(3) Loaded Line.
(4) Not Loaded Line.
(5) Transistor characteristic: PDISS = 1W (typ. depending on application); hFE ≥ 25; IC ≥ 100mA; VCEO ≥ 60V; fT ≥ 15MHz.
(6) VRING: Max Ring Generator Voltage, fRING: Ring Frequency, T: relay response time. Typical value obtained for VRING = 100Vrms, fRING = 25Hz;
T = 2.5ms.
(7) For details see AN496.
(8) RST and RSR wattage should be calculated according to the power cross test specification. (When PTC become open circuit the entire
power cross voltage will appear across RSR and RST).
(9) In order to optimize the component count it is also possible to use only one resistor in series to the ringing generator. In this case RT = 0Ω;
RF≥ 400Ω (RF typ. value = 400Ω).
(10) Suggested Rp type are 2W wire wound resistors or thick film resistors on ceramic substrate.
Fuse function should be included if PTC are not used.
(*) ex: BD140; MJE172;MJE350....(SOT32 or SOT82 package available also for surface mount).
For low power application (reduced battery voltage) BCP53 (SOT223 surface mount package) can be used.