Application information for active low-pass filters
Application information for active low-pass filters
The Butterworth is a "maximally flat" amplitude response filter (Figure 11).
Butterworth filters are used for filtering signals in data acquisition systems to prevent
aliasing errors in samples-data applications and for general purpose low-pass filtering.
The cut-off frequency, Fc, is the frequency at which the amplitude response is down 3 dB.
The attenuation rate beyond the cut-off frequency is n6 dB per octave of frequency, where n
is the order (number of poles) of the filter.
Other characteristics:
● Flattest possible amplitude response
● Excellent gain accuracy at low frequency end of passband
The Bessel is a type of “linear phase” filter.
Because of their linear phase characteristics, these filters approximate a constant time delay
over a limited frequency range. Bessel filters pass transient waveforms with a minimum of
distortion. They are also used to provide time delays for low pass filtering of modulated
waveforms and as a “running average” type filter.
The maximum phase shift is –----n----π-- radians,
where n is the order (number of poles) of the filter. The cut-off frequency, Fc, is defined as
the frequency at which the phase shift is one half of this value.
For accurate delay, the cut-off frequency should be twice the maximum signal frequency.
Table 4 can be used to obtain the -3 dB frequency of the filter.
Table 4.
-3 dB frequency of the filter
2 Poles
4 Poles
6 Poles
-3 dB frequency
0.77 Fc
0.67 Fc
0.57 Fc
Other characteristics:
● Selectivity not as great as Chebyschev or Butterworth
● Very little overshoot response to step inputs
● Fast rise time
8 Poles
0.50 Fc
Chebyschev filters have greater selectivity than either Bessel or Butterworth at the expense
of ripple in the passband (Figure 12).
Chebyschev filters are normally designed with peak-to-peak ripple values from 0.2 dB to
2 dB.