The LT3761 is a constant-frequency, current mode control-
ler with a low side NMOS gate driver. The GATE pin and
PWMOUT pin drivers and other chip loads are powered
from INTVCC, which is an internally regulated supply. In
the discussion that follows it will be helpful to refer to
the Block Diagram of the IC. In normal operation with the
PWM pin low, the GATE and PWMOUT pins are driven to
GND, the VC pin is high impedance to store the previous
switching state on the external compensation capacitor,
and the ISP and ISN pin bias currents are reduced to
leakage levels. When the PWM pin transitions high, the
PWMOUT pin transitions high after a short delay. At the
same time, the internal oscillator wakes up and gener-
ates a pulse to set the PWM latch, turning on the external
power MOSFET switch (GATE goes high). A voltage input
proportional to the switch current, sensed by an external
current sense resistor between the SENSE and GND input
pins, is added to a stabilizing slope compensation ramp
and the resulting switch current sense signal is fed into
the negative terminal of the PWM comparator. The current
in the external inductor increases steadily during the time
the switch is on. When the switch current sense voltage
exceeds the output of the error amplifier, labeled VC, the
latch is reset and the switch is turned off. During the
switch-off phase, the inductor current decreases. At the
completion of each oscillator cycle, internal signals such
as slope compensation return to their starting points and
a new cycle begins with the set pulse from the oscillator.
Through this repetitive action, the PWM control algorithm
establishes a switch duty cycle to regulate a current or
voltage in the load. The VC signal is integrated over many
switching cycles and is an amplified version of the differ-
ence between the LED current sense voltage, measured
between ISP and ISN, and the target difference voltage set
by the CTRL pin. In this manner, the error amplifier sets
the correct peak switch current level to keep the LED cur-
rent in regulation. If the error amplifier output increases,
more current is demanded in the switch; if it decreases,
less current is demanded. The switch current is monitored
during the on-phase and the voltage across the SENSE
pin is not allowed to exceed the current limit threshold of
105mV (typical). If the SENSE pin exceeds the current limit
threshold, the SR latch is reset regardless of the output
state of the PWM comparator. The difference between
ISP and ISN is monitored to determine if the output is in
a short-circuit condition. If the difference between ISP
and ISN is greater than 600mV (typical), the SR latch will
be reset regardless of the PWM comparator. The DIM/SS
pin will be pulled down and the PWMOUT and GATE pins
forced low for at least 4µs. These functions are intended
to protect the power switch as well as various external
components in the power path of the DC/DC converter.
In voltage feedback mode, the operation is similar to that
described above, except the voltage at the VC pin is set by
the amplified difference of the internal reference of 1.25V
and the FB pin. If FB is lower than the reference voltage,
the switch current will increase; if FB is higher than the
reference voltage, the switch demand current will decrease.
The LED current sense feedback interacts with the FB
voltage feedback so that FB will not exceed the internal
reference and the voltage between ISP and ISN will not
exceed the threshold set by the CTRL pin. For accurate
current or voltage regulation, it is necessary to be sure that
under normal operating conditions the appropriate loop is
dominant. To deactivate the voltage loop entirely, FB can
be connected to GND. To deactivate the LED current loop
entirely, the ISP and ISN should be tied together and the
CTRL input tied to VREF.
Two LED specific functions featured on the LT3761 are
controlled by the voltage feedback pin. First, when the
FB pin exceeds a voltage 50mV lower (–4%) than the FB
regulation voltage, and the difference voltage between ISP
and ISN is below 25mV (typical), the pull-down driver on
the OPENLED pin is activated. This function provides a
status indicator that the load may be disconnected and
the constant-voltage feedback loop is taking control of the
switching regulator. The OPENLED pin de-asserts only when
PWM is high and FB drops below the voltage threshold. FB
overvoltage is the second protective function. When the
FB pin exceeds the FB regulation voltage by 60mV (plus
5% typical), the PWMOUT pin is driven low, ignoring the
state of the PWM input. In the case where the PWMOUT
pin drives a disconnect NFET, this action isolates the
LED load from GND, preventing excessive current from
damaging the LEDs.