PGND (Pins 1, 2, 3, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
65): Power Ground. Connect this pin closely to the (–)
terminal of CVCC and the (–) terminal of CIN.
SW (Pins 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 55, 66): Switch
Node Connection to the Inductor. The (–) terminal of the
bootstrap capacitor CB also connects here. This pin swings
from a diode voltage drop below ground up to VIN.
PVIN (Pins 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 67): Main Input Supply. Decouple this pin to
power PGND with the input capacitance CIN.
NC (Pin 27): No Connection.
SGND (Pins 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48,
49, 50, 68): Signal Ground. All small-signal components
and compensation components should connect to this
ground, which in turn connects to PGND at one point.
BOOST (Pin 29): Boosted Floating Driver Supply. The
(+) terminal of the bootstrap capacitor CB connects here.
This pin swings from a diode voltage drop below INTVCC
up to VIN + INTVCC.
RUN/SS (Pin 30): Run Control and Soft-Start Input. A
capacitor to ground at this pin sets the ramp time to full
output current (approximately 3s/μF) and the time delay
for overcurrent latchoff (see Applications Information).
Forcing this pin below 0.8V shuts down the device.
VON (Pin 35): On-Time Voltage Input. Voltage trip point
for the on-time comparator. Tying this pin to the output
volt-age or an external resistive divider from the output
makes the on-time proportional to VOUT. The compara-
tor input defaults to 0.7V when the pin is grounded and
defaults to 2.4V when the pin is tied to INTVCC. Tie this
pin to INTVCC in high VOUT applications to use a lower
RON value.
PGOOD (Pin 36): Power Good Output. Open drain logic
output that is pulled to ground when the output voltage
is not within ±10% of the regulation point.
VRNG (Pin 37): Current Limit Range Input. The voltage
at this pin adjusts maximum valley current and can be
set from 0.7V to 1V by a resistive divider from INTVCC.
It defaults to 0.7V if the VRNG pin is tied to ground which
results in a typical 10A current limit.
ITH (Pin 38): Current Control Threshold and Error Amplifier
Compensation Point. The current comparator threshold
increases with this control voltage. The voltage ranges
from 0V to 2.4V with 0.8V corresponding to zero sense
voltage (zero current).
FCB (Pin 39): Forced Continuous Input. Tie this pin to
ground to force continuous synchronous operation at low
load, to INTVCC to enable discontinuous mode operation at
low load or to a resistive divider from a secondary output
when using a secondary winding.
ION (Pin 41): On-Time Current Input. Tie a resistor from VIN
to this pin to set the one-shot timer current and thereby
set the switching frequency.
VFB (Pin 43): Error Amplifier Feedback Input. This pin
connects the error amplifier input to an external resistive
divider from VOUT.
EXTVCC (Pin 44): External VCC Input. When EXTVCC ex-
ceeds 4.7V, an internal switch connects this pin to INTVCC
and shuts down the internal regulator so that controller and
gate drive power is drawn from EXTVCC. Do not exceed
7V at this pin and ensure that EXTVCC < VIN.
SVIN (Pins 51, 52): Supply pin for internal PWM controller.
INTVCC (Pins 53, 54): Internal 5V Regulator Output. The
driver and control circuits are powered from this voltage.
Decouple this pin to power ground with a minimum of
4.7μF low ESR tantalum or ceramic capacitor.