Pin Functions
VIN (A1-A6, B1-B6, C1-C6): Power Input Pins. Apply input
voltage between these pins and GND pins. Recommend
placing input decoupling capacitance directly between VIN
pins and GND pins.
VOUT (J1-J10, K1-K11, L1-L11, M1-M11): Power Output
Pins. Apply output load between these pins and GND
pins. Recommend placing output decoupling capacitance
directly between these pins and GND pins. Review Table 5.
GND (B7, B9, C7, C9, D1-D6, D8, E1-E7, E9, F1-F9, G1-G9,
H1-H9): Power Ground Pins for Both Input and Output
PGOOD (F11, G12): Output Voltage Power Good Indicator.
Open-drain logic output that is pulled to ground when the
output voltage exceeds a ±5% regulation window. Both
pins are tied together internally.
SGND (G11, H11, H12): Signal Ground Pin. Return ground
path for all analog and low power circuitry. Tie a single
connection to the output capacitor GND in the application.
See the layout guidelines in Figure 17.
MODE_PLLIN (A8): Forced Continuous Mode, Burst Mode
Operation, or Pulse-Skipping Mode Selection Pin and
External Synchronization Input to Phase Detector Pin.
Connect this pin to GND to force continuous mode
operation. Connect to INTVCC to enable pulse-skip-
ping mode operation. Leaving the pin floating will
enable Burst Mode operation. A clock on this pin will
enable synchronization with forced continuous operation.
See the Applications Information section.
PLLFLTR/fSET (B12): Phase-Locked Loop Lowpass
Filter for the Internal Phase Detector. LTM4611’s default
switching frequency is 500kHz. Its switching frequency
can be increased by connecting a resistor from this pin to
INTVCC, or decreased by connecting a resistor from this
pin to SGND. See the Applications Information section.
VFB (F12): The Negative Input of the Error Amplifier.
Internally, this pin is connected to VOUT_LCL with a 60.4k
precision resistor. Different output voltages can be pro-
grammed with an additional resistor between the VFB and
GND pins. In PolyPhase® operation, tying the VFB pins
together allows for parallel operation. See the Applications
Information section for details.
TRACK/SS (A9): Output Voltage Tracking Pin and Soft-
Start Inputs. The pin has a 1.4µA pull-up current source.
A capacitor from this pin to ground will set a soft-start
ramp rate. In tracking, the regulator output can be tracked
to a different voltage. The different voltage is applied to
a voltage divider then the slave output’s track pin. This
voltage divider is equal to the slave output’s feedback
divider for coincidental tracking. Tie all TRACK/SS pins
together for parallel operation. See the Applications In-
formation section.
COMP (A11): Current Control Threshold and Error Amplifier
Compensation Point. The current comparator threshold
increases with this control voltage. Tie all COMP pins
together for parallel operation. The device is internally
RUN (A10): Run Control Pin. A voltage above 1.35V will
turn on in the module. The VIN undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
of the LTM4611 must be set with resistor networks from
VIN to RUN and optionally from RUN to GND. Tie all RUN
pins together for parallel operation.
INTVCC (A7, D9): Internal 5V LDO for Driving the Control
Circuitry and the Power MOSFET Drivers. Both pins are
internally connected.
VOUT_LCL (L12): This pin connects to VOUT through a 1M
resistor and to VFB with a 60.4k resistor. The remote sense
amplifier output DIFFVOUT is connected to VOUT_LCL, and
drives the 60.4k top feedback resistor in remote sensing
applications. When the remote sense amplifier is used,
the DIFF_VOUT effectively eliminates the 1MΩ from VOUT
to VOUT_LCL. When the remote sense amplifier is not used,
then connect VOUT_LCL to VOUT directly.
For more information