M80C186XL20 16 12 10
Y Low Power Full Static Version of
Y Operation Modes
Enhanced Mode
DRAM Refresh Control Unit
Power-Save Mode
Direct Interface to 80C187
Compatible Mode
NMOS 80186 Pin-for-Pin
Replacement for Non-Numerics
Y Integrated Feature Set
Static Modular CPU
Clock Generator
2 Independent DMA Channels
Programmable Interrupt Controller
3 Programmable 16-Bit Timers
Dynamic RAM Refresh Control Unit
Programmable Memory and
Peripheral Chip Select Logic
Programmable Wait State Generator
Local Bus Controller
Power-Save Mode
System-Level Testing Support (High
Impedance Test Mode)
Y Completely Object Code Compatible
with Existing 8086 8088 Software and
Has 10 Additional Instructions over
8086 8088
Y Speed Versions Available
20 MHz (M80C186XL20)
16 MHz (M80C186XL16)
12 5 MHz (M80C186XL12)
10 MHz (M80C186XL)
Y Direct Addressing Capability to
1 MByte Memory and 64 Kbyte I O
Y Complete System Development
All 8086 and 80C186 Software
Development Tools Can Be Used for
M80C186XL System Development
ASM 86 Assembler PL M-86
Pascal-86 Fortran-86 iC-86 and
System Utilities
In-Circuit-Emulator (ICETM-186)
Y Available in 68-Pin
Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
Y Military Temperature Range
b55 C to a125 C (TC)
The Intel M80C186XL is a Modular Core re-implementation of the M80C186 microprocessor It offers higher
speed and lower power consumption than the standard M80C186 but maintains 100% clock-for-clock func-
tional compatibility Packaging and pinout are also identical
271276 – 1
Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or
copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products Intel retains the right to make
changes to these specifications at any time without notice Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata
March 1995
Order Number 271276-002