The MCP212X Developer’s Daughter Board is used to
evaluate and demonstrate the MCP2122 or the
MCP2120 IrDA® Standard Encoder/Decoder devices.
A header allows the MCP212X Developer’s Daughter
Board to be jumpered easily into systems for
development purposes.
The MCP212X Developer’s Daughter Board is
designed to interface to several of the “new” low cost
PIC® Demo Boards. These include the PICDEM HPC
Explorer Demo board, the PICDEM FS USB Demo
board, and the PICDEM LCD Demo board.
When the MCP212X Developer’s Daughter Board is
used in conjunction with the PICDEM HPC Explorer
Demo board, the MCP212x can be connected to either
of the PIC18F8772's two UARTs or the RX and TX sig-
nals can be "crossed" so the MCP212x device can
communicate directly out the PICDEM HPC Explorer
Demo Board's UART (DB-9).
The MCP2120/MCP2150 Developer’s Kit has been
obsoleted but if you have access to one of these kits, it
can be used to demonstrate the operation of the
• 8-pin socket for installation of MCP2122
(installed) and 14-pin socket for installation of
• Three Optical Transceiver circuits (1 installed)
• Headers to interface to low cost PICDEM Demo
Boards, including:
- • PICDEM™ HPC Explorer Demo Board
- • PICDEM™ LCD Demo Board
- • PICDEM™ FS USB Demo Board
- • PICDEM™ 2 Plus Demo Board
• Headers to easily connect to the user’s
embedded system
• Jumpers to select routing of MCP212X signals to
the PICDEM™ Demo Board Headers
• Jumpers to configure the operating mode of the
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS21618B-page 9