Philips Semiconductors
8-bit A/D and D/A converter
Product specification
7.4 A/D conversion
The A/D converter makes use of the successive
approximation conversion technique. The on-chip D/A
converter and a high-gain comparator are used
temporarily during an A/D conversion cycle.
An A/D conversion cycle is always started after sending a
valid read mode address to a PCF8591 device. The A/D
conversion cycle is triggered at the trailing edge of the
acknowledge clock pulse and is executed while
transmitting the result of the previous conversion (see
Once a conversion cycle is triggered an input voltage
sample of the selected channel is stored on the chip and is
converted to the corresponding 8-bit binary code. Samples
picked up from differential inputs are converted to an 8-bit
two’s complement code (see Figs 9 and 10).
The conversion result is stored in the ADC data register
and awaits transmission. If the auto-increment flag is set
the next channel is selected.
The first byte transmitted in a read cycle contains the
conversion result code of the previous read cycle. After a
Power-on reset condition the first byte read is a
hexadecimal 80. The protocol of an I2C-bus read cycle is
shown in Chapter 8, Figs 15 and 16.
The maximum A/D conversion rate is given by the actual
speed of the I2C-bus.
Fig.8 A/D conversion sequence.
1998 Jul 02