PMB 2347
General Description
The PMB 2347 is a RF/IF double PLL Package
frequency synthesizer implemented in
Infineon’ high speed BiCMOS technol-
ogy B6HFC. The device contains two
PLLs with integrated prescalers espe-
cially designed for use in battery pow-
ered radio equipment and mobile
telephones. Primary applications are
single- and dual-band digital cellular
systems e.g. GSM, PCN (DCS 1800)
and PCS systems.
s Operation range 2.7 to 5.0 V
s Low operating current consumption
s Programmable power down modes
s High input sensitivity and high input s High phase noise performance
frequencies: PLL1 (RF): 2.8 GHz s Switchable polarity and program-
PLL2 (IF): 500 MHz
mable phase detector currents
s Programmable dual modulus
prescaler divide ratio:
PLL1: 1:64/65 or 1:32/33
PLL2: 16/17 or 1:8/9
Dividing ratios:
A counters: PLL1: 0 to 63
PLL2: 0 to 15
N counters: PLL1: 3 to 16,383
PLL2: 3 to 16,383
R counters 3 to 16,383 for PLL1
and PLL2
s Fast phase detectors and charge
pump outputs without dead zone
s External reference current setting
for PD outputs
s Fast serial 3-wire bus interface with
low threshold voltage Schmitt-Trig-
ger inputs for interfacing with low
voltage baseband circuits
s Two data registers in PLL2 for fast
IF band switching
s A programmable multi-functional
output port for lock detect (quasi-
digital lock detect) and test mode
Ordering Information
PMB 2347
Ordering Code
Wireless Components
Product Info
Specification, August 1999