• In order to understand the details of the CPU's functions
Read the H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual.
• In order to understand the detailed function of a register whose name is known
Read the index that is the final part of the manual to find the page number of the entry on the
register. The addresses, bits, and initial values of the registers are summarized in section 25,
List of Registers.
Register name:
The following notation is used for cases when the same or a
similar function, e.g., serial communication interface, is
implemented on more than one channel:
XXX_N (XXX is the register name and N is the channel
Bit order:
The MSB is on the left and the LSB is on the right.
Number notation: Binary is B’xxxx, hexadecimal is H’xxxx, decimal is xxxx.
Signal notation: An overbar is added to a low-active signal: xxxx
Related Manuals:
The latest versions of all related manuals are available from our web site.
Please ensure you have the latest versions of all documents you require.
H8S/2114R Group manuals:
Document Title
H8S/2114R Group Hardware Manual
H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual
Document No.
This manual
User's manuals for development tools:
Document Title
H8S, H8/300 Series C/C++ Compiler, Assembler, Optimizing Linkage Editor
User's Manual
Microcomputer Development Environment System H8S, H8/300 Series
Simulator/Debugger User's Manual
H8S, H8/300 Series High-performance Embedded Workshop 3 Tutorial
H8S, H8/300 Series High-performance Embedded Workshop 3 User's
Document No.
Rev. 3.00 Jul. 14, 2005 Page vii of xlviii