SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Pin Number
I/O *) Function
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
P1.7 - P1.0 29 - 36
98 - 100,
1, 6 - 9
I/O Port 1
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal
pull-up resistors. Port 1 pins that have
1 s written to them are pulled high by the
internal pull-up resistors, and in that state
can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1
pins being externally pulled low will source
current (IIL, in the DC characteristics)
because of the internal pull-up resistors. It
is used for the low order address byte
during program verification. It also contains
the interrupt, timer, clock, capture and
compare pins that are used by various
options. The output latch must be
programmed to a one (1) for that function to
operate (except when used for the compare
The secondary functions are assigned to
the port 1 pins as follows:
– INT3/CC0 (P1.0): interrupt 3 input/
compare 0 output /capture 0 input
– INT4/CC1 (P1.1): interrupt 4 input /
compare 1 output /capture 1 input
– INT5/CC2 (P1.2): interrupt 5 input /
compare 2 output /capture 2 input
– INT6/CC3 (P1.3): interrupt 6 input /
compare 3 output /capture 3 input
– INT2/CC4 (P1.4): interrupt 2 input /
compare 4 output /capture 4 input
– T2EX (P1.5):
timer 2 external
reload trigger input
– CLKOUT (P1.6): system clock output
– T2 (P1.7):
counter 2 input
* I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group