Pin No. Symbol
HOLD mode control input;
Input pin for request/release HOLD mode.
Normally, this pin is used to input radio mode selection signals or battery detection
HOLD mode includes CLOCK STOP mode (stops crystal oscillation) and WAIT mode
(halts CPU). Setting is implemented with the CKSTP instruction or the WAIT
instruction. When the CKSTP instruction is executed, request/release of the HOLD
mode depends on the internal MODE bit. If the MODE bit is “0”(MODE-0), executing
the CKSTP instruction while the HOLD pin is at low level stops the clock generator
and the CPU and changes to memory back-up mode. If the MODE bit is “1”(MODE-
1), executing the CKSTP instruction enters memory back-up mode regardless of the
level of the HOLD pin. Memory back-up is release when the HOLD pin goes high in
MODE-0, or when the level of the HOLD pin low in MODE-1.
When memory back-up mode is entered by executing a WAIT instruction, any
change in the HOLD pin input releases the mode.
In memory back-up mode, current consumption is low (below 10µA), and all the
output pins (e.g., display output, output ports) are automatically set to low level.
TEST mode control input;
Input pin used for controlling TEST mode. High level indicates TEST mode, while low
level indicates normal operation. The pin is normally used at low level or no-
connection (NC). (A pull-down resistor is built-in).
IF signal input/Input port;
IF counter’s IF signal input for counting the IF signals of the FM and AM bands and
detecting the automatic stop position.
The input frequency is between 0.35~12MHz (0.2VP-P(Min)). A built-in input amp
and C coupling allow operation at low-level input.
The IF counter is a 20 bit counter with optional gate times of 1, 4, 16, and 64ms. 20
bit of data can be readily stored in memory.
This input pin can be programmed for use as an input port (IN port). CMOS input is
used when the pin is set as an IN port.
Phase comparison output /Output port;
Phase comparison output;
PLL’s phase comparison tri-state output pins.
When the programmable counter’s prescaler output is higher than the reference
frequency, output is at high level. When output is lower than the reference frequency,
high impedance output is obtained.
Because DO1 and DO2 are output in parallel, optimal filter constants can be
designed for the FM/VHF and AM bands. Pin DO1 can be programmed to high
impedance or programmed as an output port (OT). Thus the pins can be used to
improve lock-up time or used as output ports.
(To be continued)
REV:1.2 2003.05.20
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