SDA 525X-2
General Description
As its predecessors SDA 525x the SDA 525x-2 contains a slicer for VPS and TTX, an
accelerating acquisition hardware module, a display generator for “Level 1.5” TTX data,
and an 8 bit microcontroller running at 333 ns cycle time. The controller with dedicated
hardware guarantees flexibility, does most of the internal processing of TTX acquisition,
transfers data to/from the external memory interface and receives/transmits data via I2C
user interface. The block diagram shows the internal organization of the SDA 525x-2.
The slicer combined with dedicated hardware stores TTX data in a VBI buffer of
746 Byte. The microcontroller firmware performs all the acquisition tasks (hamming- and
parity-checks, page search and evaluation of header control bits) once per field.
This delta specification describes the differences of the SDA 525x-2 compared to the
SDA 525x as described in the preliminary data sheet 1997-09-01.
Complete Feature List Including New Features
New features compared to SDA 525x-Specification, version 06/96 are printed in italic
and bold. As described in the errata sheet 03/97, release 1.0, the newer versions of the
SDA 525x and the SDA 525x-2 will not have a serial port (UART) any more.
• Acquisition:
– Feature selection via special function register
– Simultaneous reception of TTX, VPS, and WSS
– Fixed framing code for VPS and TTX
– Acquisition during VBI
– Direct access to VBI RAM buffer
– Acquisition of packets x/26, x/27, 8/30 (firmware)
– Assistance of all relevant checks (firmware)
– 1-bit framing code error tolerance (switchable)
• Display:
– Features selectable via special function register
– 50/60 Hz display (optional 100 Hz)
– Level 1.5 serial attribute display pages
– Blanking and contrast reduction output
– 8 direct addressable display pages for SDA 5250-2, SDA 5254-2 to SDA 5257-2
(optional 10 pages)
– 1 direct addressable display page for SDA 5251-2 to SDA 5253-2
– 12 × 10 character matrix
– 96 character ROM (standard G0 character set)
– 156 national option characters for 12 languages (for European version)
– 288 characters for X/26 display
– 64 block mosaic graphic characters
– 32 characters for OSD in expanded character ROM + 32 characters
inside OSD box
Semiconductor Group