Addresses of On-Chip Peripheral Module Registers
The on-chip peripheral module registers are located in the on-chip peripheral module space (area
5: H'5000000–H'5FFFFFF), but since the actual register space is only 512 bytes, address bits
A23–A9 are ignored. 32k shadow areas in 512 byte units that contain exactly the same contents as
the actual registers are thus provided in the on-chip peripheral module space.
In this manual, register addresses are specified as though the on-chip peripheral module registers
were in the 512 bytes H'5FFFE00–H'5FFFFFF. Only the values of the A27–A24 and A8–A0 bits
are valid; the A23–A9 bits are ignored. When H'5000000–H'50001FF is accessed, for example,
the result will be the same as when H'5FFFE00–H'5FFFFFF is accessed. For more details, see
Section 8.3.5, Area Description: Area 5.
Free Addresses in the On-chip Peripheral Module Space (Area 5)
Avoid reading/writing from/to the free addresses without registers in the on-chip peripheral
module space (area 5: H'5000000-H'5FFFFFF).