1 Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause noise pulses above 0 4V to be superimposed on the VOLs of ALE and
Ports 1 2 and 3 The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins
change from 1 to 0 In applications where capacitive loading exceeds 100 pF the noise pulses on these signals may exceed
0 8V It may be desirable to qualify ALE or other signals with Schmitt triggers or CMOS-level input logic
2 Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to drop below the 0 9 VCC specification when the
address lines are stabilizing
3 See Figures 6 – 9 for test conditions Minimum VCC for Power Down is 2V
4 Typicals are based on limited number of samples and are not guaranteed The values listed are at room temperature and
5 Under steady state (non-transient) conditions IOL must be externally limited as follows
Maximum IOL per port pin
Maximum IOL per 8-bit port
Port 0 26 mA
Ports 1 2 and 3 15 mA
Maximum total IOL for all output pins
71 mA
If IOL exceeds the test condition VOL may exceed the related specification Pins are not guaranteed to sink current greater
than the listed test conditions
ICC Max at other frequencies is given by
Active Mode
ICC Max e (1 25 c Osc Freq) a 15
Idle Mode
ICC Max e (0 5 c Osc Freq) a 4
Where Osc Freq is in MHz ICC is in mA
270961 – 7
Figure 6 ICC vs Frequency
All other pins disconnected
TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns
270961 – 8
Figure 7 ICC Test Condition Active Mode
All other pins disconnected
TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns
270961 – 9
Figure 8 ICC Test Condition Idle Mode
All other pins disconnected
270961 – 10
Figure 9 ICC Test Condition Power Down Mode
VCC e 2 0V to 5 5V
270961 – 11
Figure 10 Clock Signal Waveform for ICC Tests in Active and Idle Modes TCLCH e TCHCL e 5 ns