If FSK is selected, the demodulation is performed by analyzing the phase between the I and Q limited signals at
the output of the base-band channels.
If OOK is selected, the demodulation is performed by comparing the RSSI output value stored in RXCFG14_
RSSI[7..0] register to the threshold which can be either a fixed value or a time-variant value depending on the
past history of the RSSI output. Table 7 gives the three main possible procedures, which can be selected via the
register MCFG01_RX_OOK[4..3]:
OOK Mode
Fixed Threshold
RSSI output is compared with a fixed threshold stored in
RSSI output is compared with a threshold which is at a fixed
offset below the maximum RSSI.
RSSI output is compared with the average of the last RSSI values.
Table 7
If the end-user application requires direct access to the output of the demodulator, then the RXCFG12_
DCLK_Dis[6] bit is set to 1 disabling the clock recovery. In this case the demodulator output is directly connected
to the DATA pin and the IRQ1 pin (DCLK) is set to low.
For proper operation of the TRC103 demodulator in FSK mode, the modulation index β of the input signal should
meet the following condition:
where FDEV is the frequency deviation in hertz (Hz) and BR is the data rate in bits per second (b/s).
3.2 Continuous Mode Data and Clock Recovery
The raw output signal from the demodulator may contain jitter and glitches. Data and clock recovery converts the
data output of the demodulator into a glitch-free bit-stream DATA and generates a synchronized clock DCLK to be
used for sampling the DATA output as shown in Figure 8. DCLK is available on pin IRQ1 when the TRC103 oper-
ates in continuous mode.
D a ta & C lo c k R e c o v e r y T im in g
D A T A v a lid o n r is in g e d g e o f D C L K
Figure 8
To ensure correct operation of the data and clock recovery circuit, the following conditions have to be satisfied:
A 1-0-1-0… preamble of at least 24 bits is required for synchronization
The transmitted bit stream must have at least one transition from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 every 8 bits during
The bit rate accuracy must be better than 2 %.
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TRC103 - 10/16/12