XE1414L AT COMMANDS (continued)
\Kn - Break control - AT\Kn determines how the modem will
handle a break signal received from the host.
Break received from host in data transfer mode.
n=0 Enter on-line command mode; do not transmit
n=1 Purge buffers, immediately transmit break
n=2 Same as n=0
n=3 Immediately send break
n=4 Same as n=0
n=5 Send break in sequence with data *
Break received from the host during the on-line
command mode.
n=0 Purge buffers, immediately transmit break
n=1 Same as n=0
n=2 Immediately send break
n=3 Same as n=2
n=4 Send break in sequence with data
n=5 same as n=4 *
Break received from modem during a non-error
corrected link
n=0 Purge buffers, Immediately send break to host
n=1 same as n=0
n=2 Immediately send break to the host
n=3 Same as n=2
n=4 Send break in sequence with data.
n=5 Same as n=2*
-Kn - MNP Extended Services - AT-Kn determines how the
modem handles MNP10.
n=0 No LAPM to MNP10 conversion
n=1 LAPM to MNP10 conversion*
n=2 LAPM to MNP10 conversion but no MNP
Extended Service during V.42 LAPM answer mode
+MS - Select Modulation - AT+MS sets the modulation and
data rates to be supported by the modem. The format
for the +MS command is shown below.
AT+MS=a, b, c, d, e, f<CR>
a - modulation type
B103 - Bell 103 (300 BPS)
B212 - Bell 212A (1200 BPS)
V21 - V.21 (300 BPS)
V22 - V.22 (1200 BPS)
V.22B - V.22bis (1200 or 2400 BPS)
V23 - V.23 (1200 Tx / 75 RX or 75 Tx / 1200 Rx)
V32 - V.32 (4800 or 9600 BPS)
V32B - V.32bis (4800 to 14,400 BPS)
b - Automode Detection
0 - Automatic Negotiation Disabled
1 - Automatic Negotiation Enabled
c - Minimum Receive Data Rate (300 to 14400 BPS)
d - Maximum Receive Data Rate (300 to 14400 BPS)
e - Minimum Transmit Data Rate (300 to 14400 BPS)
f - Maximum Transmit Data Rate (300 to 14400 BPS)
\Nn - Error Control Selection - AT\Nn determines how the
modem will handle error control negotiations.
n=0 Normal mode, no error correction
n=1 Direct mode, no buffering, no error correction
n=2 Reliable mode, error correction required
n=3 V.42 Auto-reliable mode, accept either an error
controlled or non-error controlled link*
n=4 V.42 Reliable mode, LAPM required
n=5 MNP required
Default: AT+MS=V32B, 1, 300, 300, 300, 14400
\V<value> - Single Line Connect Messages - This command
allows users to select single line connect messages in the
format shown below.
<DTE Speed> <Modulation> <Protocol> <Compression>
<Line Speed> <Voice & Data>
n=0 No single Line Connect Messages
n=1 Issue a complete response in a single line