XE5614L Modem Registers (continued)
S16 Test Status: S16 shows the modem test status.
S27 General Bit-Mapped Options: S27 reflects the state
Bit 0
0 = No Local Analog Loopback
of several "AT" commands.
1 = Local ALB Active
Bit 0 1 3
Bit 1-7 Not Used
0 0 0 = Normal Mode (AT&Q0)
1 0 1 = Error control enabled (AT&Q5)
S21 General Bit-Mapped Options: S21 reflects the state
0 1 1 = Direct Mode (AT&Q6)
of several "AT" commands.
Bit 2, 4-5, 7 Not Used
Bit 0-2, 7 Not Used
Bit 6 0 = CCITT Protocols (ATB0)
Bit 3,4 0 = DTR ignored (&D0)
1 = Bell Protocols (ATB1)
1 = Enter command mode on DTR off (&D1)
2 = Disconnect on DTR off (&D2)
S28 Pulse Dialing Bit-Mapped Options: S28 stores the
3 = Reset on DTR off (&D3)
modem's pulse dialing configuration.
Bit 5 0 = DCD always active (&C0)
Bit 0-2, 5-7 Not Used
1 = DCD on with Carrier (&C1)
Bit 3-4 0 = Make/Break ratio 39%/61%; 10
Bit 6 0 = DSR always active (&C0)
pulses per second (AT&P0)
1= DSR on when modem ready (&C1)
1 = Make/Break ratio 33%/67%; 10
pulses per second (AT&P1)
S22 General Bit-Mapped Options: S22 reflects the state
2 = Make/Break ratio 39%/61%; 20
of several "AT" commands.
pulses per second (AT&P2)
Bit 0-1 0 = Low speaker volume (ATL0)
3 = Make/Break ratio 33%/67%; 20
1 = Low speaker volume (ATL1)
pulses per second (AT&P3)
2 = Moderate speaker volume (ATL2)
3 = High speaker volume (ATL3)
S29 Hook Flash Timer: S29 determines the length for
Bit 2-3 0 = Speaker off (ATM0)
time the modem closes its off-hook relay on receipt of
1 = Speaker off with carrier (ATM1)
the "!" dial modifier to simulate a switch hook flash.
2 = Speaker always on (ATM2)
Range: 0 to 255
3 = Speaker on during handshake (ATM3)
Units 10 milliseconds
Bit 4-6 0 = Basic Result codes (ATX0)
Default 70
4 = Connect speed result codes (ATX1)
5 = No Blind Dial (ATX2)
S30 Disconnect on Inactivity Timer: S30 sets the
6 = Busy Detection (ATX3)
periond the modem is idle before it disconnects. A 0
7 = Full result codes (ATX4)
disables the inactivity timer.
Bit 7 Not Used
Range: 0 to 255
10 Seconds
S23 General Bit-Mapped Options: S23 reflects the state
Default 0
of several "AT" commands.
Bit 0-5 Not Used
S31 General Bit-Mapped Options: S31 stores the status
Bit 6-7 0 = No Guard Tone (AT&G0)
of various AT commands.
1 = No Guard Tone (AT&G1)
Bit 0 0 = No single-line Connect messages (AT\V0)
2 = 1800 Hz guard tone (AT&G2)
1 = Use single-line connect messages (AT\V1)
3 = Not Used
Bit 1 0 = No Automode detection (ATN0)
1 = Automode detection active (ATN1)
S24 Sleep Mode Timer: S24 sets the length of time in
Bit 2-3 0 = Report host speed (ATW0)
seconds that the modem must be idle before entering the
1 = Report all parameters (ATW1)
low power, sleep mode. When S24 is set to 0, sleep
2 = Report modem speed only (ATW2)
mode is disabled.
Bit 4-7 Not Used
Range: 0 to 255
Units: seconds
Default: 0