NTSC Line 21 Decoder
OSD Command
*' '
Using The Graphics Character Set
The following example creates an OSD screen which
1 illustrates several features of the Z86129 including the use
of the Graphics character set to generate a large font word.
The particular features shown are purely for demonstration
purposes and not intended to suggest a particular
For the sake of brevity, the "text" to be displayed will be
shown as a string within quotes rather than as the actual
command sequences required. Single quotes, ', will signify
standard characters while double quotes, ", will signify
double wide characters.
Using the WAIT Command
The WAIT command will suspend serial port
communications for a period of time. The TEXTSET
example above used the WAIT command in two ways.
First to hold a display on screen for a period of time before
taking a second action. Then it was used to create a
smooth scroll by timing the wait to the scroll rate.
The WAIT command can also be used to control the
appearance of two OSD displays in sequence without
tying up the master device for the total display time. In the
following example, the POPSET mode is used to pop on
two sequential menu screens with a built-in pause
between the two displays. In this case the WAIT is placed
just before the last FLIP command. This allows the entire
command sequence to be sent to the Z86129 at once,
since the RDY bit will be set by the WAIT command, thus
allowing the FLIP to be input as well.
The command sequence would be as follows:
OSD Cmd Code Function
*select pop mode
*select poprow 2
*Move cursor to 0
* PAC, GREEN chars
* select poprow 3
* cursor to 0
* PAC, RED char
'The Z86129 has many
*select poprow 4
* cursor to 0
* Blue char
OSD Command
{ .. }
{ .. }
{ .. }
{ .. }
{ .. }
{ .. }
*select pop mode
*screen generation commands for
first display
* FLIP command. Will flip
memories, popping the first menu
on screen.
* OENM, to ensure non-displayed
memory is erased.
* screen generation commands for
second display
*wait 6 seconds
* FLIP cmd. Will flip memories, popping the second menu
on screen.
'besides displaying
*select poprow 6
*Move cursor to 0
* PAC, Cyan Underlined
'Color and Underline
may be used'
*select poprow 8
*Move cursor to 0
* PAC, Yellow chars
*select poprow 9
*Move cursor to 0
* PAC, Magenta chars