NTSC Line 21 Decoder
Script Program
This program is designed to send any number of one or
two-byte commands to the Z86129. The list of commands
to be executed are contained in Script files that have the
extension .SER. The Script files used with the I2C version,
SCRIPTI, can be used with this program.
The program is invoked by typing:
SI File_name<ENTER>
Note: File_name without the .SER extension
When all the commands in the file have been successfully
sent to the Z86129, the PC will return to the system
The program checks the RDY status before sending each
byte. If, during the entry of a command, the RDY bit is not
found to be a "one", the program will report the contents of
the SS register and then continue checking for RDY.
The screen will display:
EEG CCD2 Serial Interface Script Player
Version x.xx
Script File Done