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MC145503P 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - LANSDALE Semiconductor Inc.

LANSDALE Semiconductor Inc. 
MC145503P Datasheet PDF : 26 Pages
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ML145502, ML145503, ML145505
LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc.
Logic Level Select input and TTL Digital Ground
VLS controls the logic levels and digital ground reference
for all digital inputs and the digital output. These devices can
operate with logic levels from full supply (VSS to VDD) or
with TTL logic levels using VLS as digital ground. For VLS =
VDD, all I/O is full supply (VSS to VDD swing) with CMOS
switch points. For VSS < VLS < (VDD – 4 V), all inputs and
outputs are TTL compatible with VLS being the digital
ground. The pins controlled by V are inputs MSI, CCI, TDE,
TDC, RCE, RDC, RDD, PDI, and output TDD.
Master Synchronization Input
MSI is used for determining the sample rate of the transmit
side and as a time base for selecting the internal prescale
divider for the convert clock input (CCI) pin. The MSI pin
should be tied to an 8 kHz clock which may be a frame sync
or system sync signal. MSI has no relation to transmit or
receive data timing, except for determining the internal trans-
mit strobe as described under the TDE pin description. MSI
should be derived from the transmit timing in asynchronous
applications. In many applications MSI can be tied to TDE.
(MSI is tied internally to TDE in ML145503/05.)
Convert Clock Input
CCI is designed to accept five discrete clock frequencies.
These are 128 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, or
2.56 MHz. The frequency at this input is compared with MSI
and prescale divided to produce the internal sequencing clock
at 128 kHz (or 16 times the sampling rate). The duty cycle of
CCI is dictated by the minimum pulse width except for 128
kHz, which is used directly for internal sequencing and must
have a 40 to 60% duty cycle. In asynchronous applications,
CCI should be derived from transmit timing. (CCI is tied
internally to TDC in ML145503.)
Transmit Data Clock Input
TDC can be any frequency from 64 kHz to 4.096 MHz, and
is often tied to CCI if the data rate is equal to one of the five
discrete frequencies. This clock is the shift clock for the trans-
mit shift register and its rising edges produce successive data
bits at TDD. TDE should be derived from this clock. (TDC
and RDC are tied together internally in the ML145505 and are
called DC.) CCI is internally tied to TDC on the ML145503.
Therefore, TDC must satisfy CCI timing requirements also.
Transmit Data Enable Input
TDE serves three major functions. The first TDE rising
edge following an MSI rising edge generates the internal
transmit strobe which initiates an A/D conversion. The inter-
nal transmit strobe also transfers a new PCM data word into
the transmit shift register (sign bit first) ready to be output at
TDD. The TDE pin is the high impedance control for the
transmit digital data (TDD) output. As long as this pin is high,
the TDD output stays low impedance. This pin also enables
the output shift register for clocking out the 8–bit serial PCM
word. The logical AND of the TDE pin with the TDC pin-
clocks out a new data bit at TDD. TDE should be held high
for eight consecutive TDC cycles to clock out a complete
PCM word for byte interleaved applications. The transmit shift
register feeds back on itself to allow multiple reads of the
transmit data. If the PCM word is clocked out once per frame
in a byte interleaved system, the MSI pin function is transpar-
ent and may be connected to TDE.
The TDE pin may be cycled during a PCM word for bit
interleaved applications. TDE controls both the high imped-
ance state of the TDD output and the internal shift clock. TDE
must fall before TDC rises (tsu8) to ensure integrity of the
next data bit. There must be at least two TDC falling edges
between the last TDE rising edge of one frame and the first
TDE rising edge of the next frame. MSI must be available
separate from TDE for bit interleaved applications.
Transmit Digital Data Output
The output levels at this pin are controlled by the VLS pin.
For VLS connected to VDD, the output levels are from VSS to
VDD. For a voltage of VLS between VDD – 4 V and VSS, the
output levels are TTL compatible with VLS being the digital
ground supply. The TDD pin is a three–state output controlled
by the TDE pin. The timing of this pin is controlled by TDC
and TDE. When in TTL mode, this output may be made
high–speed CMOS compatible using a pull–up resistor. The
data format (Mu–Law, A–Law, or sign magnitude) is con-
trolled by the Mu/A pin.
Receive Data Clock Input
RDC can be any frequency from 64 kHz to 4.096 MHz.
This pin is often tied to the TDC pin for applications that can
use a common clock for both transmit and receive data trans-
fers. The receive shift register is controlled by the receive
clock enable (RCE) pin to clock data into the receive digital
data (RDD) pin on falling RDC edges. These three signals can
be asynchronous with all other digital pins. The RDC input is
internally tied to the TDC input on the ML145505 and called
Receive Clock Enable Input
The rising edge of RCE should identify the sign bit of a re-
ceive PCM word on RDD. The next falling edge of RDC, after
a rising RCE, loads the first bit of the PCM word into the re-
ceive register. The next seven falling edges enter the remain-
der of the PCM word. On the ninth rising edge, the receive
PCM word is transferred to the receive buffer register and the
A/D sequence is interrupted to commence the decode process.
In asynchronous applications with an 8 kHz transmit sample
rate, the receive sample rate should be between 7.5 and 8.5
kHz. Two receive PCM words may be decoded and analog
summed each transmit frame to allow on–chip conferencing.
The two PCM words should be clocked in as two single PCM
words, a minimum of 31.25 µs apart, with a receive data clock
of 512 kHz or faster.
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Issue A

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