Using the On–Board Crystal Oscillator
The MC12439 features a fully integrated on–board crystal
oscillator to minimize system implementation costs. The
oscillator is a series resonant, multivibrator type design as
opposed to the more common parallel resonant oscillator
design. The series resonant design provides better stability
and eliminates the need for large on chip capacitors. The
oscillator is totally self contained so that the only external
component required is the crystal. As the oscillator is
somewhat sensitive to loading on its inputs the user is
advised to mount the crystal as close to the MC12439 as
possible to avoid any board level parasitics. To facilitate
co–location surface mount crystals are recommended, but
not required.
The oscillator circuit is a series resonant circuit and thus
for optimum performance a series resonant crystal should be
used. Unfortunately most crystals are characterized in a
parallel resonant mode. Fortunately there is no physical
difference between a series resonant and a parallel resonant
crystal. The difference is purely in the way the devices are
characterized. As a result a parallel resonant crystal can be
used with the MC12439 with only a minor error in the desired
frequency. A parallel resonant mode crystal used in a series
resonant circuit will exhibit a frequency of oscillation a few
hundred ppm lower than specified, a few hundred ppm
translates to kHz inaccuracies. In a general computer
application this level of inaccuracy is immaterial. Table 1
below specifies the performance requirements of the crystals
to be used with the MC12439.
Table 1. Crystal Specifications
Crystal Cut
Fundamental AT Cut
Series Resonance*
Frequency Tolerance
±75ppm at 25°C
Frequency/Temperature Stability
±150pm 0 to 70°C
Operating Range
0 to 70°C
Shunt Capacitance
Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) 50 to 80Ω
Correlation Drive Level
5ppm/Yr (First 3 Years)
* See accompanying text for series versus parallel resonant
Power Supply Filtering
The MC12439 is a mixed analog/digital product and as
such it exhibits some sensitivities that would not necessarily
be seen on a fully digital product. Analog circuitry is naturally
susceptible to random noise, especially if this noise is seen
on the power supply pins. The MC12439 provides separate
power supplies for the digital ciruitry (VCC) and the internal
PLL (PLL_VCC) of the device. The purpose of this design
technique is to try and isolate the high switching noise digital
outputs from the relatively sensitive internal analog
phase–locked loop. In a controlled environment such as an
evaluation board this level of isolation is sufficient. However,
in a digital system environment where it is more difficult to
minimize noise on the power supplies a second level of
isolation may be required. The simplest form of isolation is a
power supply filter on the PLL_VCC pin for the MC12439.
Figure 5 illustrates a typical power supply filter scheme.
The MC12439 is most susceptible to noise with spectral
content in the 1KHz to 1MHz range. Therefore the filter
should be designed to target this range. The key parameter
that needs to be met in the final filter design is the DC voltage
drop that will be seen between the VCC supply and the
PLL_VCC pin of the MC12439. From the data sheet the
IPLL_VCC current (the current sourced through the PLL_VCC
pin) is typically 15mA (20mA maximum), assuming that a
minimum of 3.0V must be maintained on the PLL_VCC pin
very little DC voltage drop can be tolerated when a 3.3V VCC
supply is used. The resistor shown in Figure 5 must have a
resistance of 10–15Ω to meet the voltage drop criteria. The
RC filter pictured will provide a broadband filter with
approximately 100:1 attenuation for noise whose spectral
content is above 20KHz. As the noise frequency crosses the
series resonant point of an individual capacitor it’s overall
impedance begins to look inductive and thus increases with
increasing frequency. The parallel capacitor combination
shown ensures that a low impedance path to ground exists
for frequencies well above the bandwidth of the PLL.
3.3V or
Figure 5. Power Supply Filter
BR1333 — Rev 6