REGISTER 0—RESET/SPI Configuration
Bit 5: Software Reset
Setting this bit high resets the chip. The PLLs will relock to the
input clock and all registers (except Register 0 × 0, Bit 6) revert
to their default values. Upon completion of the reset, Bit 5 is
reset to 0.
The content of the interpolator stages are not cleared by software
or hardware resets. It is recommended to “flush” the transmit
path with zeros before transmitting data.
Bit 6: LSB/MSB First
Setting this bit high causes the serial port to send and receive
data least significant bit (LSB) first. The default low state con-
figures the serial port to send and receive data most significant
bit (MSB) first.
REGISTERS 1 and 2—Power-Down
The combination of the PWR DN pin and Registers 1 and 2
allow for the configuration of two separate pin selectable power
settings. The PWR DN pin selects between two sets of individu-
ally programmed operation modes.
When the PWR DN pin is low, the functional blocks corre-
sponding to the bits set in register 1 will be powered down.
When the PWR DN pin is high, the functional blocks corre-
sponding to the bits set in Register 2 will be powered down
Bit 0: Power-Down Receive Filter and CPGA
Setting this bit high powers down and bypasses the Rx LPF and
coarse programmable gain amplifier.
Bit 1: Power-Down ADC and FPGA
Setting this bit high powers down the ADC and fine program-
mable gain amplifier (FPGA).
Bit 2: Power-Down Rx Reference
Setting this bit high powers down the ADC reference. This bit
should be set if an external reference is applied.
Bit 3: Power-Down Interpolators
Setting this bit high powers down the transmit digital interpola-
tors. It does not clear the content of the data path.
Bit 4: Power-Down DAC
Setting this bit high powers down the transmit DAC.
Bit 5, Bit 6: Power-Down PLL-A, PLL-B
Setting these bits high powers down the on-chip phase lock
loops which generated CLK-A and CLK-B respectively. When
powered down these clocks are high impedance.
Bit 7: Power-Down Regulator
Setting this bit high powers down the on-chip voltage control regulator.
The AD9875 integrates two independently programmable PLLs
referred to as PLL-A and PLL-B. The output of the PLLs are
used to generate all the chips internal and external clock signals
from the fCLKIN signal. All Tx path clock signals are derived
from PLL-A. If fCLKIN is programmed as the ADC sampling
clock source, the Rx port clocks are also derived from PLL-A.
Otherwise, the ADC sampling clock is PLL-B/2 and the Rx path
clocks are derived from PLL-B.
Bit 1,0: PLL-A Multiplier
Bits 1 and 0 determine the multiplication factor (L) for PLL-A
and the DAC sampling clock frequency, fDAC.
Bit 1,0
0,0: L = 1
0,1: L = 2
1,0: L = 4
1,1: L = 8
Bit 5 to 2: PLL-B Multiplier/Divider
Bits 5 to 2 determine the multiplication factor (M) and division
factor (N) for PLL-B and the CLK-B frequency. For multiplexed
10-/12-bit data, fCLK-B = fCLKIN × M/N. For nonmultiplexed 6-bit
data, fCLK-B = (fCLKIN/2) × M/N. All nine combinations of M and N
values are valid, yielding seven unique M/N ratios.
Bit 5,4
0,0: M = 3
0,1: M = 4
1,0: M = 6
Bit 3,2
0,0: N = 2
0,1: N = 4
1,0: N = 1
Bit 6: ADC Clock Source PLL-B/2
Setting Bit 6 high selects PLL-B/2 as the ADC sampling Clock
source. In this mode, the Rx data and CLK-B will run at a rate
of fCLK-B. RxSYNC will run at fCLK-B/2.
Setting Bit 6 low selects the fCLKIN signal as the ADC sampling
clock source. This mode of operation yields the best ADC
performance if an external crystal is used or a low jitter clock
source drives the OSCIN pin.
Bit 7: Tx Port Negative Edge Sampling
Setting Bit 7 high will cause the Tx port to sample the TxDATA
and TxSYNC on the falling edge of CLK-A. By default, the Tx
Port sampling occurs on the rising edge of CLK-A. The timing
is shown in Figure 5.
The AD9875 receive path has a continuous time 4-pole LPF
and a 1-pole digital HPF. The 4-pole LPF has two selectable
cutoff frequencies. Additionally, the filter can be tuned around
those two cutoff frequencies. These filters can also be bypassed
to different degrees as described below.
The continuous time 4-pole low-pass filter is automatically
calibrated to one of two selectable cutoff frequencies.
The cutoff frequency fCUTOFF is described as a function of the
ADC sampling frequency fADC and can be influenced (± 30%) by
the Rx-Filter Tuning Target word in Register 5.
fCUTOFF LOW = fADC × 64/(Target + 64)
fCUTOFF HIGH = fADC × 158/(Target + 64)
Bit 0: Rx LPF Bypass
Setting this bit high bypasses the 4-pole LPF. The filter is
automatically powered down when this bit is set.
Bit 1: Enable 1-Pole Rx LPF
The AD9875 can be configured with an additional 1-pole ~16 MHz
input filter for applications that require steeper filter roll-off or
want to use the 1-pole filter instead of the 4-pole receive
Low-Pass filter. The 1-pole filter is untrimmed and subject to
cutoff frequency variations of ± 20%.
REV. 0