i960® Rx I/O Processor at 3.3 V
This is the ADVANCE INFORMATION data sheet for
the low-power (3.3 V) versions of Intel’s i960® Rx I/O
Processor family, including:
• 80960RD 66/3.3
• 80960RP 33/3.3
Throughout this document, these family members
are referred to as 80960Rx when the information is
common to both. For product-specific information,
such as electrical characteristics, the family member
names are used.
This does not contain specifications for the 5 Volt
version (80960RP 33/5.0). For specifications on that
product, refer to the i960® RP I/O Processor Data
Sheet (272737).
This data sheet contains a functional overview,
mechanical data (package signal locations and
simulated thermal characteristics), targeted electrical
specifications (simulated), and bus functional wave-
forms. Detailed functional descriptions other than
parametric performance is published in the i960® RP
Microprocessor User’s Guide (272736).
1.1 Solutions960® Program
Intel’s Solutions960® program features a wide
variety of development tools which support the i960
processor family. Many of these tools are developed
by partner companies; some are developed by Intel,
such as profile-driven optimizing compilers. For
more information on these products, contact your
local Intel representative.
1.2 Terminology
In this document, the following terms are used:
• local bus refers to the 80960Rx’s internal local
bus, not the PCI local bus.
• Primary and Secondary PCI buses are the
80960Rx’s internal PCI buses which conform to
PCI SIG specifications.
• 80960 core refers to the 80960JF processor which
is integrated into the 80960Rx.
1.3 Additional Information Sources
Intel documentation is available from your local Intel
Sales Representative or Intel Literature Sales.
Intel Corporation
Literature Sales
P.O. Box 7641
Mt. Prospect IL 60056-7641
Table 1. Related Documentation
Document Title
i960® RP Microprocessor User’s Guide
i960® RP Processor: A Single-Chip Intelligent I/O Subsystem
Technical Brief
i960® Jx Microprocessor User’s Guide
80960RP Specification Update
PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.1
PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification Revision 1.0
I2C Peripherals for Microcontrollers
Order / Contact
Intel Order # 272736
Intel Order # 272738
Intel Order # 272483
Intel Order # 272918
PCI Special Interest Group 1-800-433-5177
PCI Special Interest Group 1-800-433-5177
Philips Semiconductor