256Mb DDR333/300 SDRAM
AC Characteristics
(Notes 1-5 apply to the following Tables; Electrical Characteristics and DC Operating Conditions, AC Operating Conditions, IDD
Specifications and Conditions, and Electrical Characteristics and AC Timing.)
1. All voltages referenced to VSS.
2. Tests for AC timing, IDD, and electrical, AC and DC characteristics, may be conducted at nominal reference/supply voltage
levels, but the related specifications and device operation are guaranteed for the full voltage range specified.
3. Outputs measured with equivalent load. Refer to the AC Output Load Circuit below.
4. AC timing and IDD tests may use a VIL to VIH swing of up to 1.5V in the test environment, but input timing is still referenced
to VREF (or to the crossing point for CK, CK), and parameter specifications are guaranteed for the specified AC input levels
under normal use conditions. The minimum slew rate for the input signals is 1V/ns in the range between VIL(AC) and
5. The AC and DC input level specifications are as defined in the SSTL_2 Standard (i.e. the receiver effectively switches as a
result of the signal crossing the AC input level, and remains in that state as long as the signal does not ring back above
(below) the DC input low (high) level.
AC Output Load Circuit Diagrams
Timing Reference Point
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