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1606 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - THAT Corporation

THAT Corporation 
1606 Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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THAT1606/1646 Balanced Line Driver ICs
Page 5 of 12
Document 600078 Rev 05
Theory of Operation
OutSmarts® technology
The THAT 1606 and 1646 family employs the
OutSmarts topology, a variation of circuitry originally
developed by Chris Strahm at Audio Teknology Inc.,
(and later acquired by Audio Toys, Inc.). THAT's
OutSmarts topology employs two negative-feedback
loops -- one to control the differential signal, and a
separate loop to control the common mode output
Figures 2 and 3 show the gain core common to
the 1606 and 1646. The gain core is a single ampli-
fier that includes two differential input pairs, Cin+/-
and Din+/-, and complementary outputs, Vout+ and
Vout-, related to each other by two gain expressions,
AD(s) and AC(s). The first pair of differential inputs,
Din+/-, is connected to the differential feedback net-
work between the outputs and the input signal. The
second differential input pair, Cin+/-, is connected to
a bridge circuit which generates an error signal used
to servo the common-mode behavior of the outputs.
The loop equations are then:
DOUT+ - DOUT- = D DOUT = AD(DIN + - DIN - ) ,
where AD is the differential open-loop gain, and
S DOUT+ + DOUT- = DOUT = AC(CIN + - CIN - ) ,
where AC is the common-mode open-loop gain.
These equations can be solved much like stan-
dard op-amp loop equations.
For the differential case, using superposition, we
can see that this results in:
, and
Substituting and simplifying into the equation
that defines differential operation yields:
[ ] D DOUT =
- In-)
Dividing through by AD (assuming that AD >> 3) and
simplifying yields
D DOUT = 2(In+ - In- ) .
as one would expect for a +6 dB line driver.
For the 1646, In- is hard-wired to ground (0v), so
the differential equation above simplifies to:
D DOUT = 2(In+ ) .
The common mode equation is more complicated
in that it is dependent on the attached load, and in
any event doesn't yield much insight into the device's
operation. For those who are interested, a more
complete discussion is given in the reference men-
tioned in note 1.
In op-amp analysis using negative feedback loops,
the combination of negative feedback and high
open-loop gain usually results in the open-loop gain
"dropping out" of the equation, and the differential in-
puts being forced to the same potential. This is true
for the core of the 1606 and 1646 ICs. If we start
with that assumption, the operation of the com-
mon-mode feedback loop can be intuited as follows:
Referring again to Figures 2 and 3, the common-
mode input actually senses the sum of each IC's out-
put currents by way of two 25 W resistors and the
bridge network4. The resulting error signal is ampli-
fied and then summed into both outputs, with the net
effect being to force the sum of the currents to be
zero, and thus the common mode output current to
To see why this is important, consider what hap-
pens when the IC is loaded with a single-ended load,
which shorts one or the other output to ground.
Suppose Out- is grounded. In this case, the differen-
tial feedback loop increases the voltage at Dout+ to
make up for most of the signal lost to the short at
Out-. The common-mode feedback loop forces the
current from Out- to be equal and opposite to that
from Out+. But, during peak signals which drive
Dout+ into clipping (exceeding its maximum output
voltage capability), the differential loop is starved for
feedback. Without the common-mode feedback, the
result would be for the voltage at Dout- to decrease in
an attempt to satisfy the differential loop's demand
for feedback. This is one significant weakness of
conventional cross-coupled output designs – com-
mon-mode feedback is lost when one output is
clipped while the other is grounded.
With OutSmarts, however, the common mode
feedback loop senses this happening because of the
increase in current at Out- (compared to that at
Out+), and prevents the voltage at Out- from rising
4. The 10 pF capacitor can be ignored for the purposes of this analysis. It simply limits the maximum frequency at which the current-sensing action occurs
THAT Corporation; 45 Sumner Street; Milford, Massachusetts 01757-1656; USA
Tel: +1 (508) 478-9200; Fax: +1 (508) 478-0990; Web:
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