Cylindrical Types, High-Voltage Mica Capacitors
Capacitance is within tolerance Case Insulation: Capacitor cases
when measured at these frequen- will withstand, without damage, arc-
ing or breakdown, a 60-Hz peak ac
1–1000 pF @ 1 MHz
potential equal to twice the rated
> 1000 pF @ 1 kHz
peak voltage applied between the
Dissipation Factor is typically less terminals connected together and
than 0.05% when measured as a metal electrode touching the case.
above. Dissipation factor (DF) equals Apply this potential for 1to 5 sec-
2πfRC, where f is the test frequency, onds.
R is the equivalent series resistance Current Ratings at various
(Ω), and C is nominal capacitance fre-quencies are in the listings and
(F). Q is the reciprocal of the dissipa- ap-ply under the following condi-
tion factor.
Operating Temperature Range is Temperature: 65 °C maximum
–55 °C to +125 °C. Insulation Resis- Derating Factor: None
tance is no less than 7500 MΩ when Vibration: Capacitors will with-
measured at 100 Vdc.
stand vibrational forces occurring
Temperature Coefcient and Ca- at rates of from 10 to 55 Hz for 4½
pacitance Drift: Measure the capac- hours. The total excursion during vi-
itors’ capacitance at 25 °C, 55 °C, 25 bration is 0.06 inches. At the end of
°C, 125 °C, and at 25 °C after stabi- this period, make the following in-
lizing at each temperature. The ca- spections and tests:
pacitance will meet the limits of the Visual and Mechanical Inspection:
Characteristic table shown in Order- No perceptible deterioration. With-
ing Information.
standing Voltage: As specifed under
Rated Peak Voltage is not to be ex- Withstanding Voltage.
ceeded in actual use. Voltage ratings Insulation Resistance: No less than
are in the listings and apply under 7500 MΩ.
the following conditions:
Capacitance Change: Not to exceed
Temperature: Within the specifed 3% of the nominal value or one pico-
operating temperature range. farad, whichever is greater.
Altitude: Up to 50,000 feet or
Temperature and Immersion Cy-
3.4 inches of mercury.
cling: Capacitors will withstand the
Relative Humidity: Up to 80%. temperature and immersion cycles
Frequency: As specifed.
indicated in the tables below. Fol-
Where pulse conditions are en- low three temperature cycles by two
countered, contact us.
immersion cycles. Make the mea-
Withstanding Voltage: Capacitors surements listed below no more
will withstand application of an ac than 30 minutes following the fnal
potential between terminals hav- immersion cycle:
ing an rms value equal to the rated Withstanding Voltage: As specifed
peak voltage at a frequency of 100 under Withstanding Voltage.
Hz or less without damage, arcing or Insulation Resistance: No less than
breakdown. Apply the potential by 7500 MΩ.
raising the voltage from zero to the Capacitance: Change not to exceed
specifed value. Apply the full po- 4% of the nominal value or one pico-
tential for a minimum of 5 seconds. farad, whichever is greater.
Temperature Cycling Test Con-
Steps Temp Interval
(°C) (Minutes)
–55 + 0 30
25 +10 10 to 15
125 + 3 30
25 +10 10 to 15
Immersion Test Conditions
•Number of cycles: 2
•Duration of each immersion: 15
•Immersion bath: Saturated solu-
tion of sodium chloride and water
•Temp. of hot bath: 65 –0 +5 ºC
•Temp. of cold bath: 25 –0 +10 ºC
Life Test: Subject all capacitors
to a temperature of 55 °C for 48
hours. Then subject units cast in
rectangular cases (Types 271, 272,
and 273) to a 60-Hz rms voltage
equal to the rated peak voltage
for 250 hours. Subject units cast in
cylindrical cases (Types 291, 292,
293, and 294) to a 60-Hz rms volt-
age equal to 90% of the rated peak
voltage for 250 hours. In both
tests, maintain the temperature
at 125 °C. After test, the capacitors
will meet these requirements:
Withstanding Voltage: As speci-
fed under Withstanding Voltage.
Insulation Resistance: No less than
7500 MΩ.
Capacitance Change: Within the
limits given in the table below or
one picofarad, whichever is great-
Characteristic Maximum Cap.
In addition, the capacitor must
show no visual damage and the
markings must be legible
CDM Cornell Dubilier • 140 Technology Place • Liberty, SC 29657 • Phone: (864)843-2277 • Fax: (864)843-3800 •