Integrated Circuit
AM Receiver Subsystem
For Applications in a variety of AM broadcast and communications receivers and applications
requiring an array of amplifiers.
The NTE787, a monolithic integrated circuit, is an AM subsystem that provides the converter, IF ampli-
fier, detector, and audio preamplifier stages for an AM receiver. It also provides internal AGC for the
first IF amplifier stage, delayed AGC for an optional external RF amplifier, a buffer stage to drive a
tuning meter, and terminals facilitating the optional use of a tone control.
This device features four independent transistor amplifiers, each incorporating internal biasing for
temperature tracking. These amplifiers are particularly useful in general–purpose amplifier, oscillator,
and detector applications in a wide variety of equipment designs.
The NTE787 utilizes a 16–Lead DIP package and operates over an ambient temperature range of
–40° to +85°C.
D Excellent overload characteristics
D AGC for IF amplifier
D Buffered output signal for tuning meter
D Internal Zener diode provides voltage regulation
D Two IF amplifiers stages
D Low–noise converter and first IF amplifier
D Low harmonic distortion (THD)
D Delayed AGC for RF amplifier
D Terminals for optional inclusion of tone control
D Operates from wide range of power supplies: V+ = 6 to 16 volts
D Optional AC and/or DC feedback on wide–band amplifier
D Array of amplifiers for general–purpose applications
D Suitable for use with optional external RF stage, either MOS or bipolar