PIN FUNCTIONS (Recommended to Use Test Points to Monitor Signal Pin Connections.)
RUN1, RUN2 (F5, F9): Run Control Pin. A voltage above
1.25V will turn on each channel in the module. A voltage
below 1.25V on the RUN pin will turn off the related chan-
nel. Each RUN pin has a 1µA pull-up current, once the
RUN pin reaches 1.2V an additional 4.5µA pull-up current
is added to this pin.
DIFFOUT (F8): Internal Remote Sense Amplifier Output.
Connect this pin to VOUTS1 or VOUTS2 depending on which
output is using remote sense. In parallel operation con-
nect one of the VOUTS pin to DIFFOUT for remote sensing.
Diffamp can be used for ≤3.3V outputs.
SW1, SW2 (G2, G11): Switching node of each channel
that is used for testing purposes. Also an R-C snubber
network can be applied to reduce or eliminate switch node
ringing, or otherwise leave floating. See the Applications
Information section.
PHASMD (G4): Connect this pin to SGND, INTVCC, or
floating this pin to select the phase of CLKOUT to 60
degrees, 120 degrees, and 90 degrees respectively.
CLKOUT (G5): Clock output with phase control using the
PHASMD pin to enable multiphase operation between
devices. See the Applications Information section.
INTVCC (H8): Internal 5V Regulator Output. The control
circuits and internal gate drivers are powered from this
voltage. Decouple this pin to PGND with a 4.7µF low ESR
tantalum or ceramic. INTVCC is activated when either
RUN1 or RUN2 is activated.
TEMP (J6): Onboard Temperature Diode for Monitoring
the VBE Junction Voltage Change with Temperature. See
the Applications Information section.
EXTVCC (J7): External power input that is enabled through
a switch to INTVCC whenever EXTVCC is greater than 4.7V.
Do not exceed 6V on this input, and connect this pin to
VIN when operating VIN on 5V. An efficiency increase will
occur that is a function of the (VIN – INTVCC) multiplied
by power MOSFET driver current. Typical current require-
ment is 30mA. VIN must be applied before EXTVCC, and
EXTVCC must be removed before VIN. A 5V output can be
tied to this pin to increase efficiency. See Applications
Information section.
VIN (M2-M11, L2-L11, J2-J4, J9-J11, K2-K4, K9-K11):
Power Input Pins. Apply input voltage between these pins
and GND pins. Recommend placing input decoupling
capacitance directly between VIN pins and GND pins.
PGOOD1, PGOOD2 (G9, G8): Output Voltage Power Good
Indicator. Open drain logic output that is pulled to ground
when the output voltage is not within ±7.5% of the regula-
tion point.
For more information