MC34163 MC33163
The MC34163 series are monolithic power switching
regulators optimized for dc–to–dc converter applications. The
combination of features in this series enables the system
designer to directly implement step–up, step–down, and
voltage–inverting converters with a minimum number of
external components. Potential applications include cost
sensitive consumer products as well as equipment for
the automotive, computer, and industrial markets. A
Representative Block Diagram is shown in Figure 18.
The MC34163 operates as a fixed on–time, variable
off–time voltage mode ripple regulator. In general, this mode
of operation is somewhat analogous to a capacitor charge
pump and does not require dominant pole loop
compensation for converter stability. The Typical Operating
Waveforms are shown in Figure 19. The output voltage
waveform shown is for a step–down converter with the ripple
and phasing exaggerated for clarity. During initial converter
startup, the feedback comparator senses that the output
voltage level is below nominal. This causes the output switch
to turn on and off at a frequency and duty cycle controlled by
the oscillator, thus pumping up the output filter capacitor.
When the output voltage level reaches nominal, the feedback
comparator sets the latch, immediately terminating switch
conduction. The feedback comparator will inhibit the switch
until the load current causes the output voltage to fall below
nominal. Under these conditions, output switch conduction
can be inhibited for a partial oscillator cycle, a partial cycle
plus a complete cycle, multiple cycles, or a partial cycle plus
multiple cycles.
The oscillator frequency and on–time of the output switch
are programmed by the value selected for timing capacitor
CT. Capacitor CT is charged and discharged by a 9 to 1 ratio
internal current source and sink, generating a negative going
sawtooth waveform at Pin 6. As CT charges, an internal pulse
is generated at the oscillator output. This pulse is connected
to the NOR gate center input, preventing output switch
conduction, and to the AND gate upper input, allowing the
latch to be reset if the comparator output is low. Thus, the
output switch is always disabled during ramp–up and can be
enabled by the comparator output only at the start of
ramp–down. The oscillator peak and valley thresholds are
1.25 V and 0.55 V, respectively, with a charge current of
225 µA and a discharge current of 25 µA, yielding a maximum
on–time duty cycle of 90%. A reduction of the maximum duty
cycle may be required for specific converter configurations.
This can be accomplished with the addition of an external
deadtime resistor (RDT) placed across CT. The resistor
increases the discharge current which reduces the on–time
of the output switch. A graph of the Output Switch On–Off
Time versus Oscillator Timing Capacitance for various values
of RDT is shown in Figure 1. Note that the maximum output
duty cycle, ton/ton + toff, remains constant for values of CT
greater than 0.2 nF. The converter output can be inhibited by
clamping CT to ground with an external NPN small–signal
Feedback and Low Voltage Indicator Comparators
Output voltage control is established by the Feedback
comparator. The inverting input is internally biased at 1.25 V
and is not pinned out. The converter output voltage is
typically divided down with two external resistors and
monitored by the high impedance noninverting input at Pin 2.
The maximum input bias current is ± 0.4 µA, which can cause
an output voltage error that is equal to the product of the input
bias current and the upper divider resistance value. For
applications that require 5.0 V, the converter output can be
directly connected to the noninverting input at Pin 3. The high
impedance input, Pin 2, must be grounded to prevent noise
pickup. The internal resistor divider is set for a nominal
voltage of 5.05 V. The additional 50 mV compensates for a
1.0% voltage drop in the cable and connector from the
converter output to the load. The Feedback comparator’s
output state is controlled by the highest voltage applied to
either of the two noninverting inputs.
The Low Voltage Indicator (LVI) comparator is designed for
use as a reset controller in microprocessor–based systems.
The inverting input is internally biased at 1.125 V, which sets
the noninverting input thresholds to 90% of nominal. The LVI
comparator has 15 mV of hysteresis to prevent erratic reset
operation. The Open Collector output is capable of sinking in
excess of 6.0 mA (see Figure 10). An external resistor (RLVI)
and capacitor (CDLY) can be used to program a reset delay
ǒ Ǔ time(tDLY)bytheformulashownbelow,whereVth(MPU)isthe
microprocessor reset input threshold. Refer to Figure 20.
Current Limit Comparator,
Latch and Thermal Shutdown
With a voltage mode ripple converter operating under
normal conditions, output switch conduction is initiated by the
oscillator and terminated by the Voltage Feedback
comparator. Abnormal operating conditions occur when the
converter output is overloaded or when feedback voltage
sensing is lost. Under these conditions, the Current Limit
comparator will protect the Output Switch.
The switch current is converted to a voltage by inserting a
fractional ohm resistor, RSC, in series with VCC and output
switch transistor Q2. The voltage drop across RSC is
monitored by the Current Sense comparator. If the voltage
drop exceeds 250 mV with respect to VCC, the comparator
will set the latch and terminate output switch conduction on a
cycle–by–cycle basis. This Comparator/Latch configuration
ensures that the Output Switch has only a single on–time
during a given oscillator cycle. The calculation for a value of
RSC is:
0.25 V
Ipk (Switch)