Functional Description
The uP6204 is a compact three-phase synchronous-rectified
Buck controller specifically designed to deliver high quality
output voltage for high power applications. This part is
capable of delivering up to 90A output current thanks to its
embedded bootstrapped drivers that support 12V + 12V
driving capability. The built-in bootstrap diode simplifies the
circuit design and reduces external part count and PCB
The output voltage is precisely regulated to the reference
inputs R1/R2/R3/R4 that are selected by VID inputs VID1
and VID0. The reference voltage can also be programmed
by I2C interface.
The uP6204 adopts DCR current sensing technique for over
current protection and droop tuning. Current balance is
achieved by sensing the phase current through RDS(ON) of
lower MOSFET when it turns on.
This part features comprehensive protection functions
including over current protection, input/output under voltage
protection, over voltage protection and over temperature
Other features include adjustable soft start, adjustable
operation frequency, and quick response to step load
transient. With aforementioned functions, this part provides
customers a compact, high efficiency, well-protected and
cost-effective solutions. This part comes to VQFN6x6-40L
PWM Controller
Figure 1. Simplified Two-Phase Buck Converter.
The uP6204 selects phase number of operation according
to the MODE pin and VCC2 status. The MODE pin is a tri-
state input. When the MODE pin is pulled low, the uP6204
operates in three phases. When the MODE pin is left
floating, only phase 1 is activated. When the MODE pin is
pulled high, only phase 1 & 2 are activated. The uP6204
does not support real-time phase number of operation
change. If any change of MODE state has been detected,
the uP6204 will shut down the output voltage and re-soft-
start again.
Table 1. Phase Number of Operation Table.
MODE VCC2 POR Phase Number of Operation
Phase 1 /2
Selecting Phase Number of Operation
The uP6204 supports single/two/three-phase operation that
is important for PCIE interfaced graphic cards where neither
bus power nor external power is capable of delivering full
load current. Take a two-phase buck converter as shown in
Figure 1 for example. Two-phase operation will make the
phase 2 converter act like a boost converter if the external
power is not available, boosting the output voltage V to
the input voltage VIN2. The relationship between input voltage
and output voltage is governed by conventional boost
converter equation. Offset of the current balance function
may make the duty cycle of phase 2 converter smaller
than that of phase 1 converter. This results in input voltage
V higher than 15V that may damage the input capacitors
and other devices. Therefore, phase 2 must be turned off
when input voltage VIN2 is not present to eliminate the
possibility of over voltage on input capacitors and other
devices of the phase 2 converter.
Phase 1
Phase 1/2/3
VCC1 powers the gate drives for phase 1/2 while VCC2
powers the gate drivers for phase 1. When MODE pin is
pulled low, the uP6204 checks the VCC2 POR status before
soft start to ensure both bus and external power inputs are
ready for providing current to output voltage. The VCC2 pin
should be connected to VIN2 (external power input). Figure
2 shows an implementation example where phase 1/2 are
powered by PECI bus and phase 3 is power by external
Note that when operated in single/dual-phase, the
rated current is reduced to fractions of normal level.
Continuous demanding high current may damage the
uPI Semiconductor Corp.,
Rev. P01, File Name: uP6204-DS-P0100