IR5001S & (PbF)
In a well - designed Active ORing circuit, the
Rds(on) of the Active ORing FET should generate
between 50mV to 100mV of (INP – INN) voltage
during normal, steady state operation. (The normal
operation refers to current flowing from the source to
drain of the Active ORing FET, half of the full-load
system current flowing through each OR-ed source,
at nominal input voltage). Maximum power
dissipation under worst-case conditions for the FET
should be calculated and verified against the data
sheet limits of the selected device.
IR5001S Thermal considerations
Pdiss < (Tj max – Tamb max) / Rtheta j-a
Since Tj max= 125 °C, Tamb = 85 °C, and Rtheta j-a
= 128 °C/W, the maximum power dissipation allowed
Pdiss max = (125 – 85) / 128 = 0.3W
With proper selection of Icc (as discussed in the
Detailed Pin Description), the maximum power
dissipation will never be exceeded (Max Icc * Max
Vcc = 10mA * 13.9V = 0.14W).
Maximum junction temperature of the IR5001S in an
application should not exceed the maximum
operating junction temperature, specified at 125°C:
Tj = Pdiss * Rtheta j-a + Tamb <= Tj (max),
where Rtheta j-a is the thermal resistance from
junction to ambient thermal resistance (specified at
128 °C/W), Pdiss is IC power dissipation, and Tamb
is operating ambient temperature.
The maximum power dissipation can be estimated
as follows:
Layout Considerations
INN and INP should be connected very close to
the drain and source terminal of the Active ORing
FET. PCB trace between the Vout pin and the gate
of the N-FET should also be minimized. A minimum
of 0.1uF decoupling capacitor must be connected
from Vcc to Gnd of the IR5001S and should be
placed as close to the IR5001S as possible. Ground
should be connected to the source of N-FET
separately from the INP pin.