Can be removed if the negative
spike is not over spec. (-0.3V).
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Oscillator and Switching Frequency
The switching frequency of the LD7577JA is fixed as
65KHz internally to provide the optimized operations by
considering the EMI performance, thermal treatment,
component sizes and transformer design.
Frequency Trembling
The LD7577JA is implemented an adjustable frequency
Trembling function which provides the power supply
designers to choose the optimized EMI performance and
lowest system cost. The Trembling frequency is fixed
internally ±4KHz which is incorporated with the 65KHz
switching frequency.
Internal Slope Compensation
Stability is crucial for current mode control when it
operates at more than 50% of duty-cycle. To stabilize the
control loop, the slope compensation is required in the
traditional UC384X design by injecting the ramp signal
from the RT/CT pin through a coupling capacitor. In the
LD7577JA, the internal slope compensation circuit has
been implemented to simplify the external circuit design.
On/Off Control
Pulling COMP pin below 1.2V will turn off the LD7577JA
and disable the gate output pin of the LD7577JA. The
off-mode will be released when the pull-low signal at
COMP pin is removed.
Dual-Oscillator Green-Mode Operation
Lots of topologies have been implemented in different
chips for the green-mode or power saving requirements
such as “burst-mode control”, “skipping-cycle mode”,
“variable off-time control “…etc. The basic operation
theory of all these approaches intends to reduce the
switching cycles under light-load or no-load condition
either by skipping some switching pulses or by reducing
the switching frequency.
Leadtrend Technology Corporation
LD7577JA-DS-00b August 2010