The enhanced time processor unit (eTPU) is an autonomous slave processor offered on
several STMicroelectronics microcontrollers designed for real time automotive
applications.The processor is tightly coupled to up to 32 channels, each associated with an
input and an output signal. The input/output channels each have a pair of Match and
Capture units interfaced to one of two timer/counter (TCR) registers. Logic in the channel
enabled the hardware to detect or drive pin transitions with a high degree of timing
In a typical application, at least one of the TCRs is driven by a real time clock derived from
the MCU clock frequency. The second TCR can be driven by an asynchronous external
signal, by a real time clock with a different time base, or by special angle clock circuitry on
the eTPU. The purpose of the angle clock is to synchronize with the angle of a spinning
shaft and provide a counter representation of the instantaneous position of the shaft. If the
shaft provides an input signal related to teeth spaced along the circumference, the angle
clock extrapolates the number of ticks between the adjacent pairs of teeth, thereby providing
a finer resolution of angle than the shaft signal alone can provide. The angle clock was
designed for automotive engine control, but finds application in a variety of rotational
An angle clock can be implemented in hardware or in software, but either implementation
has limitations. A software angle clock cannot divide an input tooth signal into very fine ticks
without overwhelming the processor. Even before the tick rate reaches its limit, latency on
the processor will begin to distort the ideal count pattern. A hardware angle clock can
provide very fine resolution of the ticks, but the hardware becomes complex and large when
the logic is required to handle errors and exceptional input signals.
The eTPU angle clock has been implemented as a software supported hardware
subsystem, effectively eliminating both of these significant limitations. The hardware
subsystem has provisions for fast tick counting plus compensation for missing teeth, which
are often used to provide an angle key for the shaft. The hardware also provides automatic
compensation for acceleration and deceleration, and assists in error recovery. The software
handles synchronization and exception handling.