NCP1612A, NCP1612B, NCP1612A1, NCP1612A2, NCP1612A3, NCP1612B2
−50 −30 −10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130
Figure 59. Blanking Time for Line Range
Detection vs. Temperature
−50 −30 −10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130
Figure 60. Brown-out Pin Bias Current,
(VSENSE = VBOH) vs. Temperature
The NCP1612 is designed to optimize the efficiency of
your PFC stage throughout the load range. In addition, it
incorporates protection features for rugged operation. More
generally, the NCP1612 is ideal in systems where
cost-effectiveness, reliability, low stand-by power and high
efficiency are the key requirements:
• Current Controlled Frequency Fold-back: the NCP1612 is
designed to drive PFC boost stages in so-called Current
Controlled Frequency Fold-back (CCFF). In this mode,
the circuit classically operates in Critical conduction
Mode (CrM) when the inductor current exceeds a
programmable value. When the current is below this
preset level, the NCP1612 linearly reduces the frequency
down to about 20 kHz when the current is zero. CCFF
maximizes the efficiency at both nominal and light load.
In particular, stand-by losses are reduced to a minimum.
Similarly to FCCrM controllers, an internal circuitry
allows near-unity power factor even when the switching
frequency is reduced.
• Skip Mode: to further optimize the efficiency, the
circuit skips cycles near the line zero crossing when the
current is very low. This is to avoid circuit operation
when the power transfer is particularly inefficient at the
cost of current distortion. When superior power factor
is required, this function can be inhibited by offsetting
the “FFcontrol” pin by 0.75 V.
• Low Start-up Current and large VCC range (B and B2
versions): The consumption of the circuit is minimized to
allow the use of high-impedance start-up resistors to
pre-charge the VCC capacitor. Also, the minimum value
of the UVLO hysteresis is 6 V to avoid the need for large
VCC capacitors and help shorten the start-up time without
the need for too dissipative start-up elements. The A, A1,
A2 and A3 versions are preferred in applications where
the circuit is fed by an external power source (from an
auxiliary power supply or from the downstream
converter). Their maximum start-up level (11.25 V) is set
low enough so that the circuit can be powered from
a 12 V rail. After start-up, the high VCC maximum rating
allows a large operating range from 9.5 V up to 35 V.
• pfcOK signal: the pfcOK pin is to disable/enable the
downstream converter. Grounded until the PFC output
has reached its nominal level and whenever the
NCP1612 detects a fault, it is in high-impedance when
the PFC stage outputs the nominal bulk voltage. In
addition, with the A, A1, A3 and B versions, the circuit
latches off if a voltage exceeding 7.5 V is applied to
pin 10.
• Fast Line/Load Transient Compensation (Dynamic
Response Enhancer): since PFC stages exhibit low loop
bandwidth, abrupt changes in the load or input voltage
(e.g., at start-up) may cause excessive over- or
under-shoot. This circuit limits possible deviations from
the regulation level as follows:
− The Soft Over-Voltage Protection contains the
output voltage when it tends to become excessive.
− The NCP1612 dramatically speeds-up the regulation
loop when the output voltage goes below 95.5 % of
its regulation level. In the versions targeting
applications where VCC is supplied by an external
power supply or the downstream converter (A, A1,
A2 and A3), this function is disabled until the PFC
stage having started-up, pfcOK is in high state. This
is to take benefit from the soft-start effect offered by
the VCONTROL pin gradual charge.
• Safety Protections: the NCP1612 permanently monitors
the input and output voltages, the MOSFET current and
the die temperature to protect the system from possible
over-stress making the PFC stage extremely robust and
reliable. In addition to the OVP protection, these methods
of protection are provided: