- Graphic display
LC868000 series
: 1024 dots Maximum
External segment driver : Enable to extend of LCD drive
- LCD contrast
LCD display contrast programmable
- LCD display power supply
Doubler/Tripler circuit programmable
Doubler voltage in the tripler mode must not be used for LCD display power supply
If doubler voltage is used for LCD display power supply, the doubler mode must be selected by user program.
- LCD driver
Following three kinds of combination can be selected by mask option
No. Segment output port
Common output port
(7) Serial-interface
- Two 8-bit serial-interface circuits
LSB first / MSB first function available
- Internal 8-bit baud-rate generator in common with two serial-interface circuits
(8) Timers
- Timer0 (T0L, T0H)
16-bit timer / counter
2-bit prescaler + 8-bit programmable prescaler
Mode 0 : Two 8-bit timers with programmable prescaler
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer with a programmable prescaler + 8-bit counter
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer with a programmable prescaler
Mode 3 : 16-bit counter
- Timer1 (T1L, T1H)
16-bit timer / PWM
Mode 0 : Two 8-bit timers
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer + 8-bit PWM
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer
Mode 3 : Variable-bit PWM (9-16 bits)
- Base timer
Every 500ms overflow system for a clock application (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for Base timer clock)
The Base timer clock selectable ; 32.768kHz crystal oscillation, System clock, and programmable prescaler output of
Timer 0
(9) Buzzer output
- The Buzzer sound frequency selectable ; 4KHz, 2KHz
(10) Remote control receiver circuit (using P73/INT3/T0IN terminal)
- Noise rejection available
- The interrupt polarity selectable
(11) Watchdog timer
- The watchdog timer is taken on RC outside. (using P70/INT0 terminal)
- Watchdog timer operation selectable : interrupt system, system reset