FM Demodulator for BS/CS
The CXA3218N is the video signal demodulation
IC for satellite broadcasting. This IC has most of the
functions required for demodulation, and provides
stable video detection in combination with the
CXA3108Q (L-band down converter with PLL).
30P pin SSOP (Plastic)
• Built-in IF AGC
• Excellent DG/DP characteristics
• Keyed AFT input pin to support MUSE reception
• 1st AGC control output pin
• Single 5 V power supply operation
PAL/NTSC system BS tuners, etc.
Bipolar silicon monolithic IC
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25 °C)
• Supply voltage
VCC –0.3 to 7.0 V
• Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °C
• Allowable power dissipation
1000 mW
Operating Conditions
• Supply voltage
VCC 4.50 to 5.50 V
• Operating temperature Topr –35 to +85 °C
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