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ISL29029 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Renesas Electronics

ISL29029 Datasheet PDF : 16 Pages
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current can be calculated using Equation 1. IDD depends on
voltage and the mode-of-operation as seen in Figure 11.
Interrupt Function
The ISL29029 has an intelligent interrupt scheme designed to
shift some logic processing away from intensive microcontroller
I2C polling routines (which consume power) and towards a more
independent light sensor which can instruct a system to “wake
up” or “go to sleep”.
An ALS interrupt event (ALS_FLAG) is governed by Registers 5 through
7 (ALSTH1, ALSTH2, ALSTH3). The user writes high and low threshold
values to these registers and the ISL29029 will issue an ALS interrupt
flag if the measured ALS data from registers 0x9 and 0xA are outside
the user’s programmed threshold window X-times-in-a-row (X is set by
user; see “persistency” option below). The user must write 0 to clear
A PROX interrupt event (PROX_FLAG) is governed by the high and
low thresholds in registers 3 and 4 (PROX_LT and PROX_HT). The
user writes high and low threshold values to these registers and the
ISL29029 will issue a PROX interrupt flag if the measured PROX data
from register 0x8 is outside the user’s programmed threshold window
X-times-in-a-row (X is set by user; see “persistency” option below). The
user must write 0 to clear the PROX_FLAG.
Writing “1” to either ALS_FLAG or PROX_FLAG bits does not
change the previous logic state of the bit.
Interrupt persistency is another useful option available for both
ALS and proximity measurements. Persistency requires X-in-a-
row interrupt flags before the INT pin is driven low. Both ALS and
Prox have their own independent interrupt persistency options.
See ALS_PRST and PROX_PRST bits in Register 2.
The final interrupt option is the ability to AND or OR the two
interrupt flags using Register 2 Bit 0 (INT_CTRL). If the user
wants both ALS/Prox interrupts to happen at the same time
before changing the state of the interrupt pin, set this bit high. If
the user wants the interrupt pin to change state when either the
ALS or the Proximity interrupt flag goes high, leave this bit to its
default of 0.
ALS Range 1 Considerations
When measuring ALS counts higher than 1800 on range 1
(ALSIR_MODE=0, ALS_RANGE=0, ALS_DATA > 1800), switch to
range 2 (change the ALS_RANGE bit from “0” to “1”) and
remeasure ALS counts. This recommendation pertains only to
applications where the light incident upon the sensor is IR-heavy
and is distorted by tinted glass that increases the ratio of infrared
to visible light. For more information, see the separate ALS
Range 1 Considerations document.
VDD Power-up and Power Supply
Upon power-up, please ensure a VDD slew rate of 0.5V/ms or greater.
After power-up, or if the user’s power supply temporarily deviates
from our specification (2.25V to 3.63V), Intersil recommends the
user write the following: write 0x00 to register 0x01, write 0x29 to
register 0x0F, write 0x00 to register 0x0E, and write 0x00 to register
0x0F. The user should then wait ~1ms or more and then rewrite all
registers to the desired values. If the user prefers a hardware reset
method instead of writing to test registers: set VDD = 0V for 1 second
or more, power back up at the required slew rate, and write registers
to the desired values.
To put the ISL29029 into a power-down state, the user can set both
PROX_EN and ALS_EN bits to 0 in Register 1. Or more simply, set all
of Register 1 to 0x00.
Calculating Lux
The ISL29029’s ADC output codes are directly proportional to lux
when in ALS mode (see ALSIR_MODE bit).
(EQ. 2)
In Equation 2, Ecalc is the calculated lux reading and OUT
represents the ADC code. The constant to plug in is determined
by the range bit ALS_RANGE (register 0x1 bit 1) and is
independent of the light source type.
Table 15 shows two different scale factors: one for the low range
(ALS_RANGE = 0) and the other for the high range (ALS_RANGE
= 1).
Noise Rejection
Charge balancing ADC’s have excellent noise-rejection
characteristics for periodic noise sources whose frequency is an
integer multiple of the conversion rate. For instance, a 60Hz AC
unwanted signal’s sum from 0ms to k*16.66ms (k = 1, is zero.
Similarly, setting the device’s integration time to be an integer
multiple of the periodic noise signal greatly improves the light
sensor output signal in the presence of noise. Since wall sockets
may output at 60Hz or 50Hz, our integration time is 100ms: the
lowest common integer number of cycles for both frequencies.
Proximity Detection of Various Objects
Proximity sensing relies on the amount of IR reflected back from
objects. A perfectly black object would absorb all light and reflect
no photons. The ISL29029 is sensitive enough to detect black ESD
foam which reflects only 1% of IR. For biological objects, blonde
hair reflects more than brown hair and customers may notice that
skin tissue is much more reflective than hair. IR penetrates into
the skin and is reflected or scattered back from within. As a result,
the proximity count peaks at contact and monotonically decreases
as skin moves away. The reflective characteristics of skin are very
different from that of paper.
Typical Circuit
A typical application for the ISL29029 is shown in Figure 5. The
ISL29029’s I2C address is internally hardwired as 0b100010<x>,
with x representing the logic state of input I2C address pin
ADDR0. The device can be tied onto a system’s I2C bus together
with other I2C compliant devices.
FN7682 Rev 0.00
November 23, 2010
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