Reg 2 (read)
= 0,1
= 1,0
: H-Freq low byte.
-> force Vpol = 1.
-> force Vpol = 0.
Reg 2 (write) : Begins V-Freq count. To read the value in V-Freq registers, the write command (Reg2) must
be issued first.
Reg3 (read)
: V-Freq Count Finish flag, V-Freq high bit.
= 1 -> valid,
= 0 -> not valid.
2. VF8
= the high bit of V-Freq.
Reg3 (write)
Reg4 (read)
: Controls test and clock modes.
= 0 -> Normal mode.
= 1 -> Test mode, not allowed in applications.
2. CLK4M
= 0 -> CLK = X1 divided by 2 (for 8MHz crystal power-on [default]).
= 1 -> CLK = X1 (for 4MHz crystal power-on [default]).
: V-Freq low byte.
Reg4 (write) : Reserved.
Reg5 (write) : Reserved.
Reg6 (write)
: Controls the delay of HBLANK output (7 bits).
(HBD7 - 0)
= 10000000 -> Directly bypasses Hsync to output.
= 01000000 -> Min. propagation delay (approximately 300ns).
= 00000000 -> T + 500ns.
= 00000001 -> 2T + 500ns.
= 00111111 -> 64T + 500ns.
Reg7 (write)
: Controls the width of HBLANK output (7 bits).
(HBW7 - 0)
= 10000000 -> Directly bypasses Hsync to output.
= 01000000 -> Min. width (approximately 300ns).
= 00000000 -> T + 500ns.
= 00000001 -> 2T + 500ns.
= 00111111 -> 64T + 500ns.
Reg8 (write) : Reserved.
Reg9 (write)
: Controls the width of Vblank output (7 bits).
(VBW7 - 0)
= 1-000000 -> Directly bypasses Vsync to output.
= 0-000000 -> Min. width (approximately 8us).
= 0-000001 -> 16 + 8(us).
= 0-111111 -> 16 * 63 + 8(us) = 1.016ms.
Reg10 (write) : Output pulse width control for DA0.
Reg11 (write) : Output pulse width control for DA1.
Reg12 (write) : Output pulse width control for DA2.
Reg13 (write) : Reserved.
MTV003 Revision 2.3 07/01/1998