Notice:This is not a final specification.
Some parametric limits are subject to change.
∆Tf Relative pulse characteristics2
Relative characteristics ∆Tf is calculated by the difference in the
output between the channels.
∆Oaj1 OSD adjust control relative characteristics1
Relative characteristics ∆Oaj1 is calculated by the equation below:
∆Oaj1= VOUT (29)/VOUT (32),
VOUT (32)/VOUT (35),
VOUT (35)/VOUT (29)
Tr1 or Tr2
Tf1 or Tf2
VthCP Clamp pulse threshold voltage
Turn down the SG5 input level gradually from 5.0VP-P, monitoring
the waveform output.
Measure the top level of input pulse when the output pedestal
voltage turn decrease with unstable.
Oaj2 OSD adjust control characteristics2
Measuring condition and procedure are the same as described in
∆Oaj2 OSD adjust control relative characteristics2
Measuring condition and procedure are the same as described in
OBLK OSD adjust control characteristics3
Measuring condition and procedure are the same as described in
WCP Clamp pulse minimum width
Decrease the SG5 pulse width gradually from 0.5µs, monitoring the
output. Measure the SG5 pulse width (a point of 1.5V) when the
output pedestal voltage turn decrease with unstable.
PDCH Pedestal voltage temperature characteristics1
Measure the pedestal voltage at 25°C. The measured value is
called PDC1.
Measure the pedestal voltage at temperature of -20°C. The
measured value is called PDC2.
Pedestal voltage temperature characteristics 1 is calculated by the
equation below:
PDCL Pedestal voltage temperature characteristics2
Measure the pedestal voltage at 25°C. The measured value is
called PDC1.
Measure the pedestal voltage at temperature of 75°C. The
measured value is called PDC3.
Pedestal voltage temperature characteristics 2 is calculated by the
equation below:
OTr OSD pulse characteristics1
Measure the time needed for the output pulse to rise from 10% to
90% (OTR) with an active prove.
OTf OSD pulse characteristics2
Measure the time needed for the output pulse to fall from 90% to
10% (OTF) with an active prove.
Oaj1 OSD adjust control characteristics1
Measure the amplitude output at OUT (29, 32, 35). The measured
value is called VOUT (29,32,35), and is treated as Oaj1.
∆OBLK OSD adjust control relative characteristics3
Measuring condition and procedure are the same as described in
VthOSD OSD input threshold voltage
Reduce the SG6 input level gradually, monitoring output. Measure
the SG6 level when the output reaches 0V. The measured value is
called VthOSD.
VthBLK OSD BLK input threshold voltage
Confirm that output signal is being blanked by the SG6 at the time.
Monitoring to output signal, decreasing the level of SG6. Measure
the top level of SG6 when the blanking period is disappeared. The
measured value is called VthBLK.
HBLK1 Retrace BLK characteristics1
Measure the amplitude output is blanked by the SG7 at OUT (29,
32, 35). The measured value is called VOUT (29, 32, 35), and is
treated as HBLK1.
HBLK2 Retrace BLK characteristics2
Measure the amplitude output is blanked by the SG7 at OUT (29,
32, 35). The measured value is called VOUT (29, 32, 35), and is
treated as HBLK2.
HBLK3 Retrace BLK characteristics3
Measure the amplitude output is blanked by the SG7 at OUT (29,
32, 35). The measured value is called VOUT (29, 32, 35), and is
treated as HBLK3.
VthRET Retrace BLK input threshold voltage
Confirm that output signal is being blanked by the SG7 at the time.
Monitoring to output signal, decreasing the level of SG7. Measure
the top level of SG7 when the blanking period is disappeared. The
measured value is called VthRET.