Boundary conduction mode returns the secondary current
to zero every cycle, so parasitic resistive voltage drops
do not cause load regulation errors. Boundary conduc-
tion mode also allows the use of smaller transformers
compared to continuous conduction mode and does not
exhibit subharmonic oscillation.
Discontinuous Conduction Mode Operation
As the load gets lighter, boundary conduction mode
increases the switching frequency and decreases the
switch peak current at the same ratio. Running at a higher
switching frequency up to several MHz increases switch-
ing and gate charge losses. To avoid this scenario, the
LT8302/LT8302-3 has an additional internal oscillator,
which clamps the maximum switching frequency to be
less than 380kHz. Once the switching frequency hits the
internal frequency clamp, the part starts to delay the switch
turn-on and operates in discontinuous conduction mode.
Low Ripple Burst Mode Operation
Unlike traditional flyback converters, the LT8302/
LT8302-3 has to turn on and off at least for a minimum
amount of time and with a minimum frequency to allow
accurate sampling of the output voltage. The inherent
minimum switch current limit and minimum switch-off
time are necessary to guarantee the correct operation of
specific applications.
As the load gets very light, the LT8302/LT8302-3 starts to
fold back the switching frequency while keeping the min-
imum switch current limit. So the load current is able to
decrease while still allowing minimum switch-off time for
the sample-and-hold error amplifier. Meanwhile, the part
switches between sleep mode and active mode, thereby
reducing the effective quiescent current to improve light
load efficiency. In this condition, the LT8302/LT8302-3
runs in low ripple Burst Mode operation. The typical
12kHz minimum switching frequency determines how
often the output voltage is sampled and also the mini-
mum load requirement.
Difference Between LT8302 and LT8302-3
The difference between LT8302 and LT8302-3 is
the boundary detection method. The LT8302 is using the
dv/dt slope on RREF pin, while the LT8302-3 is using the
voltage level on RREF pin. For good transformers with
low leakage inductance, both the LT8302 and LT8302-3
are behaving the same. The LT8302-3 is recommended
for multiple-winding output applications due to its lower
sensitivity to the noise on RREF pin.
Rev. G
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