/W (Write Enable, Input, TTL)
/MA (Device Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /W input selects the direction of data flow during a
device cycle. /W LOW selects a Write cycle, and /W
HIGH selects a Read cycle.
/CM (Data/Command Select, Input, TTL)
The /CM input selects whether the input signals on
DQ15-DQ0 are data or commands. /CM LOW selects
Command cycles, and /CM HIGH selects Data cycles.
/EC (Enable Daisy Chain, Input, TTL)
The /EC signal performs two functions. The /EC input
enables the /MF output to show the results of a
comparison. If /EC is LOW at the falling edge of /E in
a given cycle, the /MF output is enabled. Otherwise, the
/MF output is held HIGH. The /EC signal also enables
the /MF-/MI daisy-chain, which serves to select the
device with the highest-priority match in a string of
LANCAMs. Tables 8a and 8b explain the effect of the
/EC signal on a device with and without a match in both
the 1480 and 2480 modes. /EC must be HIGH during
/MF (Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /MF output goes LOW when one or more valid
matches occur during a compare cycle. /MF becomes
valid after /E goes HIGH on the cycle that enables the
daisy chain (the first cycle that /EC is registered LOW
by the previous falling edge of /E; see Figure 6). In a
daisy-chain, valid match(es) in higher priority devices
are passed from the /MI input to /MF. If the daisy chain
is enabled but the match flag is disabled in the control
register, the /MF output only depends on the /MI input
of the device (/MF=/MI). /MF is HIGH if there is no
match or when the daisy chain is disabled (/E goes
HIGH when /EC was HIGH on the previous falling edge
of /E). The System Match flag is the /MF pin of the last
device in the daisy-chain. /MF will be reset when the
active configuration register set is changed.
The /MA output is LOW when one or more valid
matches occur during the current or the last previous
compare cycle. The /MA output is not qualified by /EC
or /MI, and reflects the match flag from that specific
device’s Status register. /MA will be reset when the
active register set is changed.
/MM (Device Multiple Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /MM output is LOW when more than one valid
match occurs during the current or the last previous
compare cycle. The /MM output is not qualified by /EC
or /MI, and reflects the multiple match flag from that
specific device’s Status register. /MM will be reset when
the active register set is changed.
/FF (Full Flag, Output, TTL)
If enabled in the control register, the /FF output goes
LOW when no empty memory locations exist within the
device (and in the daisy-chain above the device as
indicated by the /FI pin). The System Full flag is the /FF
pin of the last device in the daisy chain, and the Next
Free address resides in the device with /FI LOW and
/FF HIGH. If disabled in the control register, the /FF
output only depends on the /FI input (/FF = /FI).
/FI (Full Input, Input, TTL)
The /FI input generates a CAM-Memory-System-Full
indication in vertically cascaded systems. It is
connected to the /FF output of the previous (next-higher
priority) device in the daisy chain. The /FI pin on the
highest priority device must be tied LOW.
/RESET (Reset, Input, TTL)
Driving the /RESET pin LOW resets the device to the
conditions shown in Table 5. The /RESET pin should
be driven by TTL levels, not directly by an RC timeout.
/E must be kept HIGH during /RESET.
/MI (Match Input, Input, TTL)
The /MI input prioritizes devices in vertically cascaded
systems. It is connected to the /MF output of the
previous (next higher-priority) device in the daisy chain.
The /MI pin on the highest priority device must be tied
Cycle Type
Command Write Cycle
Data Write Cycle
Command Read Cycle
Data Read Cycle
VCC, GND (Positive Power Supply, Ground)
These pins are the power supply connections to the
MU9C3480L. VCC must meet the 3.3 + 0.3 volt
requirements in the Operating Conditions section
relative to the GND pins, which are at 0 Volts (system
reference potential), for correct operation of the device.
All the ground and power pins must be connected to
their respective planes with adequate bulk and high
frequency bypassing capacitors in close proximity to
the device.
Table 2: I/O Cycles
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