Buck Converter: Power Losses Estimation
The power losses associated with the FETs in a Synchronous Buck converter can be
estimated using the equations shown in the table below. The formulas give a good
approximation, for the sake of performance comparison, of how different pairs of devices
affect the converter efficiency. However a very important parameter, the working
temperature, is not considered. The real device behavior is really dependent on how the
heat generated inside the devices is ermoved to allow for a safer working junction
The low side (SW2) device requires:
• Very low RDS(on) to reduce conduction losses
• Small Qgls to reduce the gate charge losses
• Small Coss to reduce losses due to output capacitance
• Small Qrr to reduce losses on SW1 during its turn-on
• The Cgd/Cgs ratio lower than Vth/Vgg ratio especially with low drain to source
voltage to avoid the cross conduction phenomenon;
The high side (SW1) device requires:
• Small Rg and Ls to allow higher gate current peak and to limit the voltage
feedback on the gate
• Small Qg to have a faster commutation and to reduce gate charge losses
• Low RDS(on) to reduce the conduction losses.