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MAX6870 View Datasheet(PDF) - Maxim Integrated

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EEPROM-Programmable Hex/Quad
Power-Supply Sequencers/Supervisors with ADC
MARGIN allows system-level testing while power sup-
plies exceed the normal ranges. Registers 41h and 42h
determine whether the programmable outputs assert to
a predetermined state or hold the last state as MARGIN
is driven low (Table 8). Drive MARGIN low to set the
programmable outputs in a known state while system-
level testing occurs. Leave MARGIN unconnected or
connect to DBP if unused. An internal 10µA current
source pulls MARGIN to DBP. The internal ADC contin-
ually monitors IN_ while MARGIN is low. The state of
each programmable output does not change while
MARGIN = GND. MARGIN overrides MR if both assert at
the same time.
Table 8. Programmable Output Behavior and MARGIN
(MAX6870 only)
(MAX6870 only)
PO3 (MAX6870)
PO1 (MAX6871)
PO4 (MAX6870)
PO2 (MAX6871)
PO5 (MAX6870)
PO3 (MAX6871)
PO6 (MAX6870)
PO4 (MAX6871)
PO7 (MAX6870)
PO5 (MAX6871)
(MAX6870 only)
(MAX6870 only)
(MAX6870 only)
PO3 (MAX6870)
PO1 (MAX6871)
PO4 (MAX6870)
PO2 (MAX6871)
PO5 (MAX6870)
PO3 (MAX6871)
PO6 (MAX6870)
PO4 (MAX6871)
PO7 (MAX6870)
PO5 (MAX6871)
(MAX6870 only)
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[0]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[1]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[2]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[3]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[4]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[5]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[6]).
0 = output held in existing state.
1 = output asserts high or low (see 42h[7]).
0 = output asserts low if 41h[0] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[0] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[1] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[1] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[2] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[2] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[3] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[3] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[4] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[4] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[5] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[5] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[6] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[6] = 1.
0 = output asserts low if 41h[7] = 1.
1 = output asserts high if 41h[7] = 1.
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