Specifications of Coding Functions
(1) Coding algorithm
• QM-Coder (JBIG standard arithmetic coding system)
(2) Context
a) Template model
• 2- or 3-line of 10 pixel template (See Figure 1.)
(Conforming to the template for JBIG minimum resolution)
(Note) The coding efficiency of the 3-line template is better
than that of 2-line template by several %.
b) Adaptive template (AT)
• It is possible to move up to 127 pixels on the coding line.
(AT position is indicated by MPU.)
(Note) AT is available to improve the coding efficiency for
dither image.
• Even in the middle of coding/decoding , the position of AT
line can be changed for a line (ATmove)
(Note) When the position the AT pixel of is changed, the
template model cannot be changed concurrently.
(3) Typical Prediction
XX ?
Figure 1 Template (X, A)
(Upper: 3 lines, Lower: 2 lines)
XX X X ?
Figure 2. Adaptive Template (A)
• Agreement with the typical prediction of the minimum
resolution of JBIG.
The psedo-pixel (SLNTP) is generated by the symbol LNTP
which shows whether the coding/decoding process lines
agree with the immediately preceding line. If they agree, the
pesudo-pixel only is coded. This makes it possible to shorten
the time of process and rejection of the code data.
SLNTPy = !(LNTPy + LNTPy-1) (where: y indicates a line
No., y = 1 indicates that lines do not match each other, and
initial value LNTP for head line is given with y - 1 = 1)
(4) Coding data format
• The stripe data entity (SDE = stripe coded data with byte
stuffing (PSCD) + end marker (SDNORM/SDRST)).
Performs coding and decoding of one stripe (See Attached
Figure A.1.)
In the case of multi-striped (multi-stripes), can be supported
by activation for each stripe.
(5) Marker code
• Supports the SDE end marker (During coding, the marker
code previously set in the register is outputted. During
decoding, the marker code byte detected by requesting on
interrupt to MPU when the maker is detected is read out of
the register.)
(6) Estimation of coding/decoding speed
Figure 3 compares the estimation of coding/decoding speed
between the M65762FP and the existing product type
(M65760/1FP). Polygonal lines in the diagram are processing
speeds of images theoretically generated assuming the
unmatched estimation ratio as a parameter. In addition, ,
indicate processing speeds of real image (without TP
As shown in this diagram, the M65762FP has been largely
improved in the processing speed compared with existing
product types. If the compression ratio is reduced, the
reduction ratio of processing speed is moderated.
When a theoretical image is used to compare processing
speeds in the worst case, the processing speed of existing
product type is about 9.4M pixels/sec (1/compression ratio is
about 1), while the processing speed of the M65762FP is
about 27.5M pixels/sec (1/compression ratio 0.9) for coding
and is about 31.2M pixels/sec (1/compression ratio 0.75) for