Figure 5 : Burst Mode Waveforms
Figure 6 : Power Supply Start-up
Tch ≈ 1s (typ)
T1 ≈ 0.3s (typ)
Tstart-up = Tch + T1
T1 : necessary time for voltage setting-up
d) Abnormal conditions : safety functions
Overvoltage Protection
When VCC exceeds VCC max, an internal flip-flop
stops output conduction signals. The circuit will
start again after the capacitor C1 discharge ; it
means : after loss of synchronization or after Vcc
stop crossing (Figure 7).
In flyback converters, this function protects the
power supply against output voltage runaway.
Under Voltage Lock-out
The TEA2164 control circuit stops operating when
VCC goes under VCC stop.
Power Limitation, Current Protection, Long
Duration Overload Protection
- Output power limitation : by a pulse by pulse
collector current limitation the TEA2164 limits the
maximum output power. VCM1 is the correspond-
ing voltage threshold, its detection is memorized
up to the next period.
- Current protection (transistor protection)
Under particular conditions a hard overload or
short circuit may induce a flux runaway in spite of
the current limitation (VCM1).
The TEA2164 control circuit features a second
current protection, VCM2. When this threshold is
reached an internal flip-flop memorizes it and