System Reset (with built-in watchdog timer) MM1145
Formula for CT Pin External Constant
Watchdog timer monitoring time (TWD), watchdog timer reset time (TWR) and reset hold time (TPR) during power
supply rise can be changed by varying CT capacitance. TWD also can be changed with RRCT.
The variable times are expressed by the following.
1. MM1145A
TPR (ms) .=. 5000 CT (µF)
TWD (ms) .=. 2500 CT (µF) RRCT (MΩ)
TWR (ms) .=. 500 CT (µF)
Example : when CT=0.02µF, RRCT=1MΩ
TPR .=. 100ms
TWD .=. 50ms
TWR .=. 10ms
2. MM1145B
TPR (ms) .=. 2000 CT (µF)
TWD (ms) .=. 5500 CT (µF) RRCT (MΩ)
TWR (ms) .=. 500 CT (µF)
Example : when CT=0.02µF, RRCT=1MΩ
TPR .=. 40ms
TWD .=. 110ms
TWR .=. 10ms
Formula for Watchdog Timer Monitoring Time (TWD) Adjustment
The ratio between TPR and TWD can be changed within the range below by adjusting TWD with RRCT.
1. MM1145A
TWD/TPR .=. 2.0 RRCT (0.39 (MΩ) <= RRCT <= 2 (MΩ))
2. MM1145B
TWD/TPR .=. 2.75 RRCT (0.39 (MΩ) <= RRCT <= 2 (MΩ)
How to Use RCT Pin
Example 1
Example 2
1. Watchdog timer operates when RCT pin is open.
2. Watchdog timer stops operating when RCT pin is connected to ground.
Description of Operation
1. RESET goes low when VCC rises to approximately 0.8V.
Approximately 1µA (VCC=0.8V) of pull up current is output from RESET.
2. Capacitor CT charging starts when VCC rises to VSH (.=. 4.3V). Output is in reset state at this time.
3. Output reset is released (RESET goes high) after a certain time (TPR), from when CT starts charging until
discharge (the time from when CT voltage reaches a certain threshold value VT1 (.=. 1.4V) until CT voltage
drops to a certain threshold value VT2 (.=. 0.2V).
Reset hold time : TPR is as follows.
TPR (ms) .=. 5000 CT (µF)
CT charging starts again after reset release, and watchdog timer operation begins.
Clock input during power ON reset time (TPR) will cause mis-operation.
4. If CK1 and CK2 are input in that order (or simultaneously) during CT charging, CK2 negative edge trigger
causes the TC pin to switch from charging to discharge.
5. Discharge switches to charging when CT voltage drops to threshold value VT2 (.=. 0.2V). Steps 4 and 5 are
repeated while a normal clock is input from the logic system.