Telephone Signaling Transceiver
CMX860 Advance Information
4.11 Analog Signal Routing
The routing of signals to and from the Line and Phone interfaces is performed by bits 0 to 3 of the Analog
Signal Path Register. Please note that bits 4 to 7 of this register are reserved for future use and should be set
to zero for the moment.
4.12 C-BUS Interface
This block provides for the transfer of data and control or status information between the CMX860’s internal
registers and the µC over the C-BUS serial bus. Each transaction consists of a single Register Address byte
sent from the µC which may be followed by one or more data byte(s) sent from the µC to be written into one
of the CMX860’s Write Only Registers, or one or more byte(s) of data read out from one of the CMX860’s
Read Only Registers, as illustrated in Figure 13.
Data sent from the µC on the Command Data line is clocked into the CMX860 on the rising edge of the Serial
Clock input. Reply Data sent from the CMX860 to the µC is valid when the Serial Clock is high. The CS line
must be held low during a data transfer and kept high between transfers. The C-BUS interface is compatible
with most common µC serial interfaces and may be easily implemented with general-purpose µC I/O pins
controlled by a simple software routine. Figure 21 provides detailed C-BUS timing requirements.
The following C-BUS addresses and registers are used by the CMX860:
General Reset Command (address only, no data).
General Control Register
Transmit Mode Register
Receive Mode Register
Transmit Data Register
Receive Data Register
Status Register
Programming Register
Analog Signal Path Register
16-bit write only
16-bit write-only
16-bit write-only
8-bit write only
8-bit read-only
16-bit read-only
16-bit write-only
8-bit write-only
1. The C-BUS addresses $E9, $EA and $EB are allocated for production testing and should not be
accessed in normal operation.
2. The C-BUS address $E4 is allocated for internal use and should not be accessed in normal operation.
3. In several registers, there are bit patterns whose function is not specified. These modes should not be
accessed in normal operation and no guarantee is given that any use of these bits will be supported in the
¤2000 MX-COM, Inc. tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 fax: 336 744 5054
Doc. # 20480222.001
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