Telephone Signaling Transceiver
CMX860 Advance Information
Rx Data bits and
parity (FSK
Bit 2-0
Tones Detect
Bit 2-0
These bits are ignored in Synchronous mode.
In Tones Detect Mode (Rx Mode Register b15-12 = 0001) b8-3 should be set to 000000.
Bits 2-0 select the detector type.
b2 b1 b0
1 0 0 Programmable Tone Pair Detect
0 1 1 Call Progress Detect
0 1 0 2100, 2225Hz Answer Tone Detect
0 0 1 DTMF Decode
0 0 0 Disabled
Table 6: Receive Mode Register
4.12.5 Tx Data Register: 8-bit write-only ($E3)
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data bits to be transmitted
In Synchronous Tx data mode this register contains the next 8 data bits to be transmitted. Bit 0 is transmitted
In Tx Start-stop mode the specified number of data bits will be transmitted from this register (b0 first). A Start
bit, a Parity bit (if required) and Stop bit(s) will be added automatically.
This register should only be written to when the Tx Data Ready bit of the Status Register is 1.
4.12.6 Rx Data Register: 8-bit read-only ($E5)
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Received data bits
In unformatted Rx data mode this register contains 8 received data bits, b0 of the register holding the earliest
received bit, b7 the latest.
In Rx Start-stop data mode this register contains the specified number of data bits from a received character,
b0 holding the first received bit.
¤2000 MX-COM, Inc. tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 fax: 336 744 5054
Doc. # 20480222.001
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