V.34/Group 3 High Performance Fax Modem Family
The modem satisfies the requirements specified in
ITU-T recommendations V.34 half-duplex, V.17, V.33,
V.29, V.27 ter, V.21, and meets the binary signaling
requirements of V.8 and T.30 with Annex F.
Internal HDLC support eliminates the need for an
external serial input/output (SIO) device in the DTE for
products incorporating error detection and T.30
protocol. The modem can perform HDLC framing per
T.30 at all data speeds. CRC generation/checking
along with zero insertion/deletion enhances
SDLC/HDLC frame operations. Two FSK (V.21 Ch. 1
and V.21 Ch. 2) flag pattern detectors facilitate FSK
detection during high-speed reception. The modem
features a programmable DTMF transmitter/receiver
and three programmable tone detectors.
The duplex data mode supports Internet facsimile
applications. The modem can connect at the highest
data rate up to 33600 bps with auto fall back to
V.32 bis. The FM336Plus-D and FM336Plus-D90
modems satisfy the requirements specified in ITU-T
recommendations V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22,
V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103.
ITU-T V.90 PCM MODE (-D90)
The ITU-T V.90 PCM mode can receive data at
speeds up to 56 kbps from a digitally connected V.90
central site modem. The FM336Plus-D90 takes
advantage of the PSTN which is primarily digital to the
central office local loop (except for the client modem)
and is ideal for applications such as remote access to
an Internet Service Provider (ISP), online service, or
corporate intranet. The modem can send upstream
data at speeds up to the V.34 rate.
The FM336Plus modem provides the processing core
for a complete facsimile modem design.
Configurations and Rates
The selectable modem configurations, signaling rates,
and data rates are listed in Table 2.
Automatic Mode Selection (-D / -D90)
When Automatic Mode Selection (AMS) is enabled,
the modem configures itself to the highest compatible
data rate supported by the remote modem. Automode
operation is supported in V.90 (-D90 only), V.34,
V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, V.23, Bell 212A,
and Bell 103 modes.
Automatic Rate Adaptation
In V.34 duplex, V.34 half-duplex, and V.32 bis modes,
Automatic Rate Adaptation (ARA) can be enabled to
select the optimal highest acceptable data rate based
on the Eye Quality Monitor (EQM). This selection
occurs during startup.
Two ARA modes are available. ARA in ROM is an
adaptive selection made by the modem based upon a
fixed ROM table. ARA in RAM is based on the host
programmable RAM table and can be changed by the
Data Encoding
The data encoding conforms to ITU-T recommendations
V.90 (-D90 only), V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.17, V.33,
V.29, V.27 ter, V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, or V.21, and is
compatible with Bell 208, 212A, or 103, depending on
the configuration.
Tone Generation
The modem can generate single or dual voice-band
tones from 0 Hz to 3600 Hz with a resolution of
0.15 Hz and an accuracy of ± 0.01%. Tones over
3000 Hz are attenuated. DTMF tone generation allows
the modem to operate as a programmable DTMF